Why God is dying.

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by JesusHatesYou, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. "The (sorry, it's a secret) believe and teach that the all, “in itself,” is and must ever be unknowable. They regard all the theories, guesses and speculations of the theologians and metaphysicians regarding the inner nature of the all, as but the childish efforts of mortal minds to grasp the secret of the Infinite. Such efforts have always failed and will always fail, from the very nature of the task. One pursuing such inquiries travels around and around in the labyrinth of thought, until he is lost to all sane reasoning, action or conduct, and is utterly unfitted for the work of life. He is like the squirrel which frantically runs around and around the circling treadmill wheel of his cage, traveling ever and yet reaching nowhere—­at the end a prisoner still, and standing just where he started.

    And still more presumptuous are those who attempt to ascribe to the all the personality, qualities, properties, characteristics and attributes of themselves, ascribing to the all the human emotions, feelings, and characteristics, even down to the pettiest qualities of mankind, such as jealousy, susceptibility to flattery and praise, desire for offerings and worship, and all the other survivals from the days of the childhood of the race. Such ideas are not worthy of grown men and women, and are rapidly being discarded."

    I'm sorry christians jews and muslims, but your god isn't a man who thinks just like you, he exists, but is not a he or she, and does not give 2 shits and a fuck about you, the all is the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, something you claim your god created, yet somehow your his most precious work.

    The ones who care at least somewhat about you didn't make the universe, may you one day open your eyes and find them for they are the ones worthy of your respect.
  2. #2 aero18, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Ah, the superstitious mind never bases any of its claims on verifiable data. Sure of itself and credulous, easily swayed by irrationality.

    I'd like to know how you, of all people, have access to this knowledge that none of us have?

    How can you claim to know the thoughts/opinions of an entity that has not a shred of evidence for? Do you have some evidence?

    If not... then I would hold back your barking tongue of stupidity and actually study matters a bit more closely.

    Never ceases to amaze me how profoundly ignorant people can be...
  3. #3 TearDownGod, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    Shut up! Fuck you! :mad: I'm right and your wrong.
  4. #4 JesusHatesYou, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2010

    I suppose Jehova talks to you and has told you otherwise? LOL get outta here man, it's called fucking sense. The information is out there, you gotta dig for it, something I highly doubt you've done outside of a Bible. I'm not superstitous at all actually, I ground all my belief's in logic.

    I'm sorry your butthole got hurt by something sensible that goes against your belief in god. I have evidence, but it's about as useful to post as evidence as it would be as posting an opinion as evidence, you have to see/hear/experience it for yourself, not just read it in an article on the internet. Truth comes to those who seek it, not to those who wait for it to seek them.

    Try using a lil bit of logic, has god ever talked to you? No, because he doesn't talk, God isn't a person, god created the universe apparently, which would make him higher than the universe, and the universe has no human consciousness such as right and wrong, emotion, etc.. Your just mad because theres a hole in you filled with god, and you can't bare to fill that hole yourself or bare to have god taken out of that hole by the possibility that he really doesn't care about you.

    If you went into a home and the kids were sick and starving on the brink of death, with festering wounds and the father did nothing about it, I bet you'd say "oh he has a reason, he works in mysterious ways but he loves his kids"

    edit: did you know you can actually meet a god in the flesh? He'll tell you a thing or too, if you know how and where to find him, and it doesn't involve hocus pocus magic rituals or anything like that, it's just like walking to go meet anyone else, just takes awhile longer
  5. ^^^^

    He never even said if he believes in God or not. You're no different than any other person who claims to have the answer. You're convinced you're right, give no evidence, avoid his questions to attack his integrity, when he asked a reasonable question. Got proof?

    Which you don't. You claim that it is supposed to be unknowable. How convenient. Oh no I don't need evidence, it's inherently unknowable. But still listen to me and my opinions.

    Fuck it, you still think you're right and probably will have some comeback, which will be just as sensationalist and irrational.
  6. I don't believe in a god. There is no reason for me or anyone else to. I am an agnostic atheist, which is the only reasonable stance for this topic.

    I hold a high regard for intellectual integrity and I don't believe in any of your senseless spiritual propositions.

    When you speak of an absent god, I agree with you, yet you still think that it is "there," which I can disagree. I have no reason to think that a deistic god is present (yet you think it personally intervenes in people's lives in your edit? you make no sense).

    "od created the universe apparently, which would make him higher than the universe, and the universe has no human consciousness such as right and wrong, emotion, etc.. "

    "edit: did you know you can actually meet a god in the flesh? He'll tell you a thing or too, if you know how and where to find him, and it doesn't involve hocus pocus magic rituals or anything like that, it's just like walking to go meet anyone else, just takes awhile longer"

    This is the bullshit that I want to highlight. Again, how do you know this?

    People like this always remind me of our lowly origins. Just rants with no substance... empty hot air.
  7. After reading your original post I still don't understand why you believe God is dying.
  8. this is a crazy ass thread, its like 5 blindfolded guys with fully automatic machine guns
  9. #9 JesusHatesYou, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2010
    It's unknowable to give attributes to "the all" which would be god. And sorry for gettin bitchy, but calling me ignorant when you have no idea of who I am or what I know is ignorant in itself, and it's typical of christians to do when you question/criticize their view of god, so I made a wrong assumption.

    But I don't see how the quote is ignorant, in saying the all doesn't have human emotions like the bible claims it does, and trying to comprehend it is useless although so many like to think they do.

    And that you can't know, well, that's not true, as far as the all it is, but as far as things that actually concern us you can figure it out. It takes more than reading an article or book, it takes practice and devotion, something alot of people aren't willing to do in todays world of instant gratification. I won't tell you how, if it's something you truly want to know it's going to take most of your life, but you can search it out. Not necessarily with google, it's a good starting point, but 90% of the answers arent contained in the internet.

    edit: Oh, and it's easy to see that God is dying, just look at this forum. The less people that believe in god, the less power god has, and intelligent thought just doesn't allow for such a contradictory book to describe who that god is, and that version of god will die out.

    edit 2: And I don't believe in a deistic God that is "the all". The all is simply the energy that makes up the universe, it has no type of thought or reason or anything we humans can comprehend since we have finite minds, and the all is infinite, something a linear thinker can't grasp. People like to think the universe was made just for us, we're so special right? Well, it wasn't. My edit refers to something COMPLETELY different, god doesn't refer to Yahweh alone. How do I know you can meet A god (not THE god)? Well, that's something you aren't ready to know my dear watson, but they can take human forms you know. I thought it was just as ridiculous as you think it is right now trust me. Ever heard of people signing their soul to "the devil" in return for fame/wealth/whatever? Well that has a basis in something, though it's not the evil horned beast who resides in a firey pit beneath the earth.
  10. I see what you're saying. I disagree with some of it but everyone's got opinons.
  11. BTW, I mostly made this thread to fuck with your heads and make you think a bit. I see I fucked with some heads, not sure if I got anyone thinking or not yet though. Oh, and a god himself, well a human (if he was indeed human) who was deified rather, told me all this, he takes a form of a black man these days and you can find him walking dirt roads in the south if you seek him, he goes by many names :)
  12. Would god allow for the death of himself?

  13. Maybe he's pissed and the apocalypse is coming. He's like "fuck it, if I'm goin out I'm taking all you little cocksuckers with me" lol
  14. It all depends on what your definition of "God" is, whether it's a big man in the sky or the entire universe. It could be a being/entity, or it could be an inanimate whole. The universe could be "God" in the sense that we are part of it and that it created us, we are all part of the universe. It does things indiscriminately, it doesn't care if we like it or not, it doesn't care if we worship it, it doesn't care about anything at all. Compare it to a volcano, it's "alive" in the sense that it can do things, but it isn't a living thing, it doesn't feel feelings for anything.
  15. What is god?

    Does god really exist, or are we just associating existence with 'god'?

    Is god something that is tangible and inescapable, or is god something that may never be known and is simply a fabrication of our curiosity?

    Should we rethink our definition of god?

    I believe that 'god' is something that is inside of us; enlightenment from within. We constantly associate 'god' with something external, but true enlightenment comes from observing our world and interpreting it on a personal scale - creating our own reality and drawing personal conclusions from our own subjective outlook on life.

    To me, 'god' is something that is part of us and should not be feared. Truly recognizing oneself in the world is becoming closer to 'god'. We can discover ourselves through observation and introspection, connecting to our outside world and consulting with our conscious.

    In my mind, most people's notion of 'god' brings them further away from realizing this connection. Simply participating with the universe and creating our own view of the world is a step towards communicating with 'god'. It is sad that people think that shoveling money into organizations and letting somebody in a uniform think for them is truly going to bring them closer to creating an inner dialogue with themselves and realizing their connection to the world.

    Maybe I have 'god' all wrong, but to me 'god' is something that comes from within and is truly empowering (not something to be afraid of or 'untouchable').......
  16. You preach with divine wisdom

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