Why everyone should get a vape

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by bongs4days, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. I love vaporizing to the point that I've vitrually quit smoking. A gram gets me 40-50 vape hits, and 20 vape hits will get me higher than smoking a whole gram. I can even re-use the bud I just vaped, and keep vaping until it's brown. Then once it's brown, it's ready to be used for edibles! Just dump it all out, and load the next bowl!

    The only downside to vaping is that you don't get much of a body high, and there's a learning curve for each vape.
  2. I know people who cannot get high off of vapes only smoking. Vaping is for certain people, but not for everyone.
  3. Ive never found a single person who literally can not get high vaporizing. Anyone who says that most likely was doing it wrong.
  4. What vape is op using?
  5. I've found that I get a much cleaner and longer lasting high from vaping.  Do still get cravings for the greasy bodyhigh of combustion at times though..
  6. If you can get high smoking weed, you can get high vaping it. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know how to vaporize properly, and probably triad with a bic and a light bulb.
  7. It took me a quite a few tries to get the hang of vaporizing! I didn't grind my bud enough, I set the temperature too low, and I over packed the chamber. But what made the biggest difference, was that my vape automatically shuts off after about four minutes, and I assumed it was done after it shut off..... Not even close!

    But once I got the hang of it, I could vape myself into oblivion with not even half as much bud!

    Grenco Pro
  8. Without reading; I agree.
  9. Vape>Smoke
  10. Edibles>Vape>Smoke
  11. I can use the ABV to make edibles!
    It's the best of both worlds!
  12. â–¡

    Attached Files:

  13. I just ordered my first vape, Arizer Solo, after years of blunts and bowls. I hope I can quit smoking and just vape to feel the benefits.
    The best advice that I can give you is once you get your Solo, quit combusting completely and just vaporize.    Do this for at least 3 weeks no matter how much you miss the smoke.   You need to wean yourself off of those smoke toxins for you to be able to realize the full benefits of vaping.
  15. Ive seen this point mentioned a view times in here...it seems it's less of a body high and more of a head high? I anticipated a learning curve. I am asthmatic and trying to quit smoking completely!
    I agree with your take on a vape high...clean/long lasting. The only time I crave smoke is after watching some bong rip videos on youtube.Lol.
    I vape daily and absolutely love it. I will smoke at a party or whatever, which I really enjoy too... but for all day, every day you can't beat a vape high.
    Stay Lifted.
  17. I prefer smoking over vaping cause it hits me harder and a lot faster. I take 3 bong hits of dank and be good, where I would have to take 20 vape hits to get the same effect and it may take up to 15-20  mins.
    I will admit that the flavor of weed comes through much stronger in a vape than a bong or pipe or joint.
  18. #18 lwien, Nov 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2014
    Ya love that toxin high eh?    Benzine and carbon monoxide provides a high all their own.
    Have you ever tried giving up smoking completely, including tobacco, for at least 3 weeks and just vaporize?
  19. #19 IBALL904, Nov 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2014
    Goddamn you vaping wrong if you get 40-50 vape hits off a gram. I get 10-20 vape hits off .1 so it'll be 150-200 vape hits off a gram for me and I wouldn't make it that far.

    Stoner Athlete
    Train Insane or Remain The Same.
  20. No I tried tobacco for 30 years, and quit cold turkey on May 1, 2004.
    I am not saying that smoking is better for everyone. It's just better for a dope fiend like me. I am sure that with disapline, I can become a vaper. I just don't want to disapline myself.

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