Seriously, why do people say they're dry when they run out of weed. It just doesn't make sense. I always thought dry meant out of alcohol (or no alcohol allowed, ie dry county, dry grad). So wtf blades, explain this one to me.
Well they are referring to the weed market. Usually dealers will say" its so dry around here". I dont know why, but its just what is said. It might be to keep the discussion on the DL. Its better than saying " I have no weed right now"
Come too think of it...I dunno either. I never really actually thought about it though. Good question. BTW I'm dry
one of those phrases that we have no idea where it came from like "don't look a gifted horse in the mouth" we know what it means, but why didn't they just say "don't be ungrateful when reveiving a gift" meh, maybe that makes sense. But now that i look back @ what i said, it doesn't really. And i'm not even high, lol. Just eating Dorito's and a ham sandwich OH & i'm dry too lol. Hopefully will be picking some up later
Hmm look like ya learn somethin new everyday because I never heard that saying befor Sasly im dry to, lookin at my sexy ladies infront of me is tempting
without water you cant grow if there is no weed in your area, then there was a lack of water (not literally but for the sake of this its implied", therefore its dry.
i don't think many people will actually know the true meaning tbh,but as EASYlivin said it may jus be to keep the talk about weed on the sly. i haveee one biffs worths left and can't pick any up till half 12 i don't think .. that leaves mee .. 3 hours dry after this lmao (n) EDIT:I also deffinatley think highhaze has hit facts there and then
Why do you call it weed? It's not really a weed Pot isn't really a pot, cool doesn't really mean low temperature, etc..... It's called slang, dude. It doesn't have to mean what the original definition of the word is