Hey blades i know theres thousands of you..and i have typed "cigarette" and didn't come across a thread like this... i even saw one about people who get mad at people who "waste" them..gross, bullshit who cares...I am glad people waste cigarettes... I am not sure how many smoke butts.. But why do you? why don't you quit that is the question I do not want to hear I'm addicted a thousand times either...I fuckin mean it... I was addicted in like idk...8th grade smoked em for 4 1/2 years pack a day in high school... I quit by just lighting up a J and smoking half whenever I wanted a cigarette...and it worked, or even a small bowl..just a little weed every time you want a butt helped me ween myself off them They are Expensive...And kissing somebody that smokes butts ( a girl in my case, which I can deal with, but kind of find it un-attractive in a sense) is like kissing an ashtray... So why blades...why don't you quit...just my .02.... Let me hear it...
I too started smoking at a young age, 12 years old to be precise. I supported a pack a day habit on and off through much of my adolescence, even after graduating high school. After a lengthy struggle I managed to overcome my addiction altogether... and then the weekends would arrive, and I would find myself with a beer in one hand and a Marlboro in the other. Week after week I would go through the cycle of guilt and remorse, only to find myself on the end of a cigarette every weekend. This is because I, like many other "social smokers" was unaware of the link between cigarettes and alcohol. The chemical acetaldehyde is contained in cigarettes and has been found to enhance nicotine addiction. Funnily enough, acetaldehyde is also produced by the liver when breaking down the ethanol in that delicious bottle of Jack Daniel's you just drank. This is why I was still partial to a cigarette whilst out at the pub with my friends. Understanding the trigger mechanisms that encourage me to light one up have helped me to cut out the habit all together. Now, I can't wait until summer so that I can take a run along the beach or through the hills and fill my lungs with fresh air. Good luck to any blades on achieving the same thing!
There is no real justification for smoking cigs I assume. I just can't quit, no motivation I am trying to cut back though. (not working)
I haven't tried to quit because nothing bad has happened to my body yet, I cant run as far but I can still run haha. Also my life is so boring that even 1 cigarette sometimes fills a small sense of void so it is "something to do"
I've never smoked cigs (tried 1 once and thought it was nastyyy and never wanted to try another one after that) but my sister quit using jolly ranchers. Everytime she started craving a cig she would pop a jolly rancher in to distract her and it worked...plus i'm sure smokin weed helped her also haha.
I enjoy them, I like the taste, I like the nicotine buzz, and I can get them cheap. I really haven't noticed any negative health effects yet, I'll quit when I do, or when I no longer enjoy them.
I know it's been said, but stress is what has kept me from kicking these guys. I'm not as bad as a pack a day, I'm usually a pack every 2-3 days. Plus, my oral fixation is really, really bad. If I can't talk, I smoke; if I can't smoke, I chew my lips/cheeks/grind my teeth; if I can't chew my lips, et al, I eat. Smoking and talking have had to be the lesser of evils for me. I'm at least trying to kick the habit. I'm moving on the e-cigarettes, which aren't really that bad. My buddy let me try out his Blu cig, and it was pretty damn tasty. Hopefully, my $60 isn't going to waste with this buy.
Is it possible to develop a mild habitual dependence on jolly ranchers or what have you if it's used to end an addiction? If you were to quit jolly ranchers cold turkey would you have a craving to eat one? Obviously nothing on the level of nicotine...
Because if I did right now I would probably have a nervous breakdown and do one of those murder-suicide type deals.
I've been smoking for almost 7 years now, since I was 15......so I am pretty addicted by now. I have quit before though, and it's hard but not impossible...but the reason i'll start up again is because I really enjoy smoking. There's nothing like having a cigarette with a beer or a coffee...or having a cig after some sex Also, I think smoking is really sexy. I know I'll probably get over it soon, as I eventually do with other unhealthy habits.....and if I don't "get over it" then the plan is to quit when I finish my masters in a year. So I guess my answer is because I don't want to quit!
Yeah, smoking sticks full of rocket fuel additives , mouse shit, chemicals and all that shit, that's real fucking attractive LOL If you want to chose to smoke them when you know you can quit...that is fucking real smart... Dig my Sarcasm? I Know how some of you feel about it when it comes to stress, however then what does the herb do for you if it doesn't relieve stress I quit because i couldn't go on a run i couldn't play ball or keep up at other shit... and you can't say that's my fault its the cigarettes causing problems to my body...and I quit I am better off for it and I have a lot more money than i would if I smoked those garbage pieces of paper packed with cow shit @ Purple I don't see how somebody would want to kill somebody not having a cigarette, the second day is the worst..just smoke bud whenever you need one, it works man a good % of it is mental
I've been smoking for years but I don't smoke nearly as much, or even 1/3 as much, as some of my friends do. The friends that do can go through a pack a day, no problem, sometimes more, sometimes a little less. We all started smoking at the same time. I only smoke a cigarette when I don't have any weed and I feel like having that slight burn in my lower throat/upper lungs. It seems I'm addicted to that feeling at least once every 2 weeks. But since I smoke so much bud, I hadly ever smoke cigarettes. When I drink, I usually go through 3 that night. I may have 0-8 cigarettes throught a week, usually towards the lower end, over the last few years, and sometimes, half of those are in one night. So I am a cigarette smoker, but not addicted even though I've smoked for years. It's hard to explain, i'm blasted as fuck. I haven't smoked the last 3 weeks and I've smoke about 12 cigarettes that last 3 weeks. When I'm high, they taste like shit to me. Sometimes, like literal shit. I almost always smoke newports even though I like marlboro red because I give a lot of them to my friends when they ask so I buy newports because they're all my friend's favorites. I don't even know where I'm going with this
My dad smokes american spirits. I enjo cigarettes thats why I smoke. It relievs stress. But I know its awful for you, I just have a hard time quitting
I haven't quit because I haven't started because I don't really want to develop cancer. I know how in style cancer is right now but I just never really wanted it. Oh, and because I like my lungs. They do a lot for me.
i enjoy it. Dont want to quit, never have. That's why is smoke, and why i haven't quit. It's something that has always given me a mental "break" calmed down if you will, or gave me some quality time to assess (sp?) the situation. will i quit one day? maybe, depending on my health. dont get me wrong, i'm not in the best shape of my life, but smoking isn't the reason for it.