why don't we get serious about our shit?

Discussion in 'General' started by weedzilla420, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. when dealing with decriminalization...

    people have speculated in the past that a good way to get weed decriminalized would be to plant it everywhere.

    and i mean everywhere.

    save all the seeds from all of your weed bags and just go ape shit crazy planting that shit.

    this will eventually make it so that it's so out of control, cops/law enforcement will not be able to do anything and they'll just have to stop prosecuting people for it.

    i think it's time to really step up the cause and to engage in all sorts of acts of civil disobedience.

    i see parallels between our plight and the plight of the blacks during the civil rights era here in america. if they had not stood up for what they believed in they would have never got any concessions.

    had they not marched in the streets, sat in at lunch counters, refused to give up their seats on the bus, and if they had not broken laws (Jim Crowe Laws) committing civil disobedience they would have not gotten anywhere.

    the government is not going to give in until they are forced to give in and the same is true with marijuana decriminalization.

    the facts (medical, science, common sense, economical/political aspects) are all on our side, it's just that mainstream america doesn't know either because they are brainwashed with lies or because they are simply ignorant to the facts.

    so the ultimate goal is, to create such a disruption for the cops/govt they are no longer able to effectively prosecute mj offenders thus they just have to give up.

    i am sick of the oppression our government inflicts on pot smokers and any type of drug user. it's my body, i am the master of my self and my fate. i will decide what i put into my body and no one, no one, no one is going to decide that for me, i don't give a fuck about the consequences (although ideally there shouldn't be any consequences).

    but at the end of the day, the people of this great country are not accountable to the government, the government is accountable to the people.

    it's time we draw our line in the sand, and stand the fuck up against these dictatorous tyranical shitheads that are trying to control every aspect of our life and mind.

    they are not going to stand down, we must knock them down.

    it's time to launch an unprecedented campaign to acheive our goal.
  2. #2 Floydian, Jul 5, 2006
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
  3. i know y people dont get serious about decriminalization

    cuz people are lazy pussies, they want something done but dont want to do it themselves, and there afraid of the authorities

    theres the answer to your question
  4. the one's that did smoke (probably in college like clinton) will take an even more aggressive stance against mj/drugs just as clinton did.

    it's extremely politically unpopular to take even a neutral stance on drugs. politicians are spineless cowards that do whatever will keep them in office and making money.

    the fda continues to assert that mj had no medicinal value in spite of the insurmountable evidence that shows the enourmous medical value of mj.

    playing by the rules of politics is going to get you absolutely no where because the incompetence/corruption of politics is what got it criminalized in the first place.

    if we want to make any progress, we have to stop playing by the rules. if the blacks had just continued to play by the rules and just hoped for the best that everything would work out in the end, jim crowe laws would still exist and they would have gotten absolutely no where.

    are founding fathers encouraged civil disobedience. ben franklin once said that if a country creates a law that is unjust, a man is not only right to break it, but he had an OBLIGATION to do so.
  5. But... but... but can we have them force us to smoke mass amounts of cannabis first? Then I'm down for any rebellion you got planned bro :p
  6. You have to understand why marijuana is criminal.

    Only then will you understand why it never will be legalized

    I'm still seriously, i'm very active about legalization in my local community. Toronto has go the activism thing down.
  7. Eh, ya can blame good ole profiling for it being criminal in America :p
  8. Amen man. Play time is over. It is time to rise up.. Thats the only way we are going to break the 'lazy stoner' stereotype. TOnight, im going out to post flyers. Soon, I am speaking at a pro-legalisation conference.

    Guys, its time to get serious.. We cant aim for low.. If we do, the government senses begging.. We have to aim for full fledged laegalisation.. Otherwise theyll be skimpy about what they actually give us. We aim for decriminalization in our marches.. where does taht get us? Nowhere. Its time to look big now. Rise up! Speak! Educate!

    Even educate the cops that try and arrest you.. Arrest people who have been arrested.. Teach your classrooms and your teachers.

    The reason it will never be legal is because big industry will never make money off of it.. And big business runs the country..
  9. because noone cares but americans. and were all high all the time and too lazy to do it.
  10. That is indeed the problem.
  11. Theres alot of brainwashing that we have to reverse.

    I think we just need more people who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the good

    of MJ. But then you look at the PotActivist Rallies that do go on. You always see

    a bunch of "typical" looking stoner people everywhere. Dreadlocks, dirtylookin,

    just people that "Look" the part. This type of thing stears main stream america away.

    If activism wants to take a LEAP forward then they need to get with the program.

    You're trying to change peoples mind about MJ so why would you have a rally with

    a bunch of people who smoke pot and Look NOTHING like those whose votes and

    sympathy we need.

    If I were to do a Rally I would have a Dress attire. Hate to say it but it nowadays its

    all about appearance. Don't believe me look at Congress. Some of the shit they pass

    is rediculous elementary school shite. But they dress the package nicely so people

    don't view it the same. Makes sense? Dress to impress is a little rule of thumb you

    should have when dealing with the public. If people in the MJ comm. gets mad at this

    then they're not trying to win a war. We keep doin the same thing and getting

    the same results, that's stupid to me. . . . .
  12. It just wont work.
  13. As cliche as it may be, you won't know until you try.
  14. Touche.

    But what are the odds of people actually contributing?
  15. you're right. As long as people have that attitude nothing will work. And MJ smokers

    will continue to be persecuted on the same level as violent crimes. And the consensus

    around the world will always be that Pot kills, even though there is not one

    documented case of MJ overdose or anything along those lines. And people who suffer

    from painful illnesses will have to deal with the pain for the remainder of there life

    while taking Prescription legal drugs that do more Harm to the body, mind, and soul

    than good. but, it just won't work. And the people that have to suffer just aren't worth

    the fight.
  16. #16 Floydian, Jul 5, 2006
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
  17. OK Good idea:

    We'll make safe's that are locked to the ground somehow. Then there'll be a marijuana informational handout on top of the safe and you have to read through it and answer the quiz correctly in order to open the safe.

    Basicially just threaten there's a bunch of weed in there.

    People would be educated!
  18. Other than sitting down and waiting for people to finally wake up and say "Marijuana isn't bad" there are only two ways.

    !. Somehow get mainstream media pro-pot
    2. Pull a Fight Club and Setup a huge underground network and kidnap politicians for a few hours and threaten to cut their balls off if they don't become pro-pot.

    Actually I just thought of a Third Way

    3. Set up a Underground Network and have all our guys take as many politician seats as we can. Once we get enough people in office we can change the rulings to our likings.
  19. i like the mj fight club idea

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