Why don't we ever do anything?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by pizzdog, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. well why don't we do anything at all to help this world? We talk of change and hope and consciousness shifts and whatever or of the tao and of how life is nothing etc. But why don't we do anything what so ever to make a difference at all?
  2. i try to influence others subtly through personal interaction

    once you start "doing something" you come off as a douche trying to push your beliefs on others. it just doesn't work very well.

    lead by example
  3. I mean doing something to help the earth and people on it instead of just preaching beliefs and whatever
  4. Me and my friend were talking about this just today. I think one place to start is with bicycles. Hear me out okay?

    Build a very nice road system throughout whatever city you like and have it be for bicycles only, like roads just for the bikes. If they had those I would ride my bike everywhere but as it is riding on the street blows dick. More people out exercising and just moving means less obesity, less pollution from cars, and a generally better off society. We also need more fuel efficient cars, mainly in America. If everyone in America drove diesel cars we could completely come off foreign oil, why the fuck don't we do that?!? Cars in Europe get up to 70 miles per gallon, we're no where close to that! Why? Because of the fat cats that own the oil and car industry, it's sickening. We need more people who care and are willing to do something. But I digress...

    Generally I find that we don't do anything because we are comfortable in our instant gratification society, people are just so cutthroat and greedy that no one really cares about doing what is right, just what is good for them.

    It's sad.
  5. The bike thing would be a good idea I don't like riding my bike next to cars on the streets I have a sort of phobia of being that close to a car while riding on my bike I always feel as if I am going to swerve out into the road and get hit.....
  6. The world has become to corrupt. All (most)people care about is bettering themselves and being "better" than someone else. Some drastic changes need to be made to society and SOON, or else we are guaranteed not to survive much longer.

    RIP Humanity.
  7. That bike path would be bitchin, as long as it doesn't have stupid pedestrians walking on it all the time. Then it'd just be another stupid sidewalk.

    I'd use it.
  8. #8 teh_biscuit, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2011
    I don't like speaking for other people, because I'm not them...but
    Fear, Laziness, and possibly Ignorance.
    I think people are finding to much comfort in living their 1-dimensional lives.

    I mean this generation of people are just..too distracted by materialistic wants...being caught up in technology too much. technology is suppose to make things easier, but even then that would make us lazier in some way. And by being entertainment, it distracts us. I think people are getting caught up in "seeking pleasure" too much.

    I'm not trying to generalize the whole human race...but by living in the city, this is how I see some it.
    I mean things are changing. And will always be changing. It just might not seem like it.

    This world is like this because of us. Because of what "I" put into it.

    People aren't getting in touch with their inner spiritual self.
    I mean my sig quote is highly relative to that.
  9. We do plenty. The world needs to meet us halfway.
  10. #10 thabosshogg, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2011
    You can't force change if the masses aren't ready for it. Trust me, I thought I would go out and change the world. I thought my message made such perfect sense that no one could possibly reject it. And yet, when you try to force radical new ideas on people, no matter how great those ideas may be, they will reject it regardless of what reason or logic would tell them to do. Chances are their reason and logic are too skewed to make a reasonable judgement anyways.

    Just keep creating change on a smaller level in your daily life by doing what you do. My philosophy is I treat every action as a yoga, and in doing so I hope to influence anyone I meet doing by doing regular, daily activities in an awakened state, especially in regular interactions with my peers. Bigger, more global changes will come when the time is right.

    Just because certain subcultures are ready for change does not mean the masses are.
  11. ummmm speak for yourself lol I try everyday to make the world a better place as much as I can

    Edit: I know a couple of friends who do the same thing as well
  12. #12 Echoes of Floyd, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2011
    I believe there are alot more people out there in this world who would want change, than we except. Most people want it so much, but find themselves that they cannot change the entire world themselves, so they just sit waiting around.

    My friend was telling me that I should start a movement or rally in DC about this. About just putting an end to the madness. It's just not worth it. But there's so much technology out there and social sites to organize a mass movement. I live in Maryland. About 40 minutes from Washington DC. I definitely think theres ALOT of us who want this change. I just say we unite as one. And people uniting in other countries around the world. The human race is one species. Let's start acting like it. I know its been done before, many times. But why not one more time, shall we? ;)
  13. Join the revolution of the future...

    Share a smile with a stranger.

  14. why do so many people around here phrase things in such absolute terms like it's fact that no one does a thing to help anyone. How do you know how many of us work with handicap kids or give to charities or some other philanthropic work ?
  15. im doing something... :)
  16. we are doing something.

    Evolution doesnt take place overnight.
  17. The bureaucracy in the world prevents all major steps towards a better future. I actually just watched Thank You for Smoking today and it gave me a glimpse, even if it is only a dramatization, at the system that controls us.
  18. Change the world by changing yourself, it all starts from the individual up.
  19. move to portland oregon, its like that here lol well technically there but im like 15 miles
  20. The concept of Taoism is not to try.

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