Why Don't I Like Smoking Anymore?

Discussion in 'General' started by Dredastar, Jan 29, 2007.

  1. whats up everyone? Alright I need a little help. Ive been smoking for about a year and have enjoyed it with no problems. I'm in college and even got caught by my parents at home during break and they were pretty mad at first but now they make jokes about it! Most of my friends smoke and if they don't they are at least cool with it. Alright, so everythings good right?


    Over the last winter break I took a month long tolerance break. When I got back to school though, I smoked and I felt really dizzy like I was rolling down a hill or something. It was terrible nothing like that ever had happened.

    So I figured it was just bad weed or something so I go to my friends house and smoke and I got really paranoid which also never happened before. I just wanted the high to be over and tried to just sleep immediately.

    So I'm thinking it might be time to hang it up with the weed. I mean, I love it, its fun but if these things keep happening no way I'm smoking.

    This happen to anyone else?
  2. You know....actually I have been taking 5 day T-breaks since my money has been short since I got fired from my job. But I would say try to smoke often...and see if the high gets any better...if it does then good if no then I'm out of advice...I smoked Fri. and was dizzy and wanted to sleep. Then Sat. and I wanted to puke I felt really bad. Then today and the high was good and I enjoyed it...really weird shit...so I'm thinking that it was the T-break...no idea...but try to keep enjoy the sweet herb man good luck
  3. shit ive been on my tolerance break for a few weeks now. i hope i dont go through the same shit. i probably wont since this has been my 3rd or 4th break and it never happened to me in the past.
  4. Its all good bro, you just got really baked. I used to get like that, when my tolerance was low and I smoked a bunch of weed. Just smoke less next time, and wait until your tolerance goes up to smoke more. Either that, or just learn to handle it after a while.
  5. Perhaps you are just smoking too much with such a low tollerance. If you go from smoking to every day, then take a break for a week and smoke alot of bud in one sitting, you are going to trip alot harder than expected. Ive done this numerous times. Perhaps you could try smoking smaller amounts at first.
  6. i've heard that as people get older, if they have been smoking cannabis pretty much daily, they either get tired of it, or the paranoid feeling becomes more and more pronounced for some reason.

    I don't know, I've been smoking for about a year and a half now and have had my occasional bad high where I either smoked too much or didn't eat beforehand etc. etc.

    Personally I would stop if I wasn't having ANY fun, but it's never gotten so bad as to where I never wanted to do weed again.

    Just think it over, maybe smoke only on weekends at first or smoke less as some people have suggested above. Or maybe just quit and only smoke at parties and special occasions etc.

    Up to you. On the upside you won't have to worry about making enough cash to support a drug habit, eh?
  7. Meh, I know people who have smoked for 30 years without a single tolerance break and they still get high. Im not arguing against tolerance, it's less than a year since my alst one ans I'm due for another...but my idea is that you are just smoking too much. You took a break so your body will need a little time to adjust again. If you smoke just like you did when you quit then you;re smoking a shitload...Just go easy and give it a little time for you to adjust a bit.
  8. I don't know, I've been smoking for about a year and a half now and have had my occasional bad high where I either smoked too much or didn't eat beforehand etc. etc.

    What does food have to do with getting high and having a bad trip and also what is a bad high or like a high when your tripping balls and your not liking it. I have never expieriences this. Even the first time i got high i had the greatest time of my life.
  9. how high you get has a lot to do with your physical metabolism. if you smoke on an empty stomache, you're likely to feel the effects in a more pronounced fashion. this isn't to say that you're "higher," as much as it is to say that you become a bit more disoriented and it can lead to quicker paranoid feelings and light headedness.

    you haven't ever felt paranoid while high? you're lucky.
  10. Man, I don't know how many times i've said "I don't even wanna hit this" as im firing up the bowl, and only wondered "why I did that..." for the good part of the ride... Sounds lame and like im a addict, but it works itself out :p

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