Why don't I get morning wood?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Tray Dub, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Especially when your roommates are women...
  2. im sure not everyone gets it every morning. but maybe ask yourself if your if your feelin the same sex

  3. That's the truth. I've slept over girls' houses a few times, only to awaken to stares lol.
  4. Yea dude you're not missing out. Morning boners are never worth the effort.
  5. man, be happy. it's a little bit weird when you wake up at somebody else's house with some MW. gotta wait about 15 mins to let your willie calm down.

    And on the subject.. Ive never had a wet dream. Ever. Is that odd?
  6. i sleep on my stomach so my dick is pinned down while I sleep. Fuck that guy, I cant trust him.

  7. Do gay people not get morning wood? I'm sure I'm heterosexual by the way.

  8. Lmao! Awesome. By the way, I have a serious fetish about the Predator. Good work.
  9. i sleep on my back, when i woke up this morning, i rolled over, pain pain pain!!

  10. lmao aww bless. You know, sometimes I really wish I had a penis to play with
  11. lol

    sometimes i wish i had breasts and a box to play with :(

  12. you can borrow mine ;)
  13. ok, i have a deal for you

    we shall sawp sexual organs for a day??
  14. freakin' sweet. I'll take pictures of yours and spread it around
  15. :cool: just means more women will want to meet the beast.
  16. me neither man.
  17. i don't get it alot at all, maybe once every 3 days, but that's just because it takes actual touching to get me hard, i think it's a gift tbh
  18. I actually usually wake up with both my hands elbow deep in my boxers and usually some wood. kinda weird if someone were to walk in. I dunno, when i sleep i tend to hold on to my shit cuz i wanna protect it.
  19. yup been there. . .

    i chose the room right across the hall from the bano for stealth
  20. No sexual dreams for you. Which sucks, cause it's how I get all of my pussy lately...

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