why don't atheists ever go after the jews?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by lady garbage, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. Maybe because the Jews or muslims dont knock on my door at 10:30AM on a Saturday morning Trying to convert me in the early hours.
  2. I'm atheist and I think all religion, in any of its incarnations, is an inherent evil and will curtail humanity's progress through its sheer existence.

  3. never said all...said most/many...
    everyone presenting generalizations ...is doing so based on what is shown to the public at large....like it or not....your bad apples have in fact ruined the bunch.....
    this doesnt make it your fault...or even chritianitys fault......it is the people who give it a bad name.....;):smoke:
    the same people who turn thinking/questioning individuals away.....

    these people give you all a bad name....
    oh so happy to hate everyone not like them....


    again...not your fault....and no not every christian is like these people.....but they use the same name as you....and give you all a bad name.......;):smoke:
  4. Why must one ruin it for the rest? Attacking a religion because certain religious folk act contrary to what their religion teaches is logically fallacious.

    It's unfortunate that people allow such behavior to form their opinions on a certain religion, especially when they know the religion teaches something quite contrary.
  5. I do not strongly believe in god, sometimes I think "yea that makes sense and I could see why people believe in him" but other times I think "why would anyone put trust In this shit" but I would never argue with someone over it that's ridiculous. Plus you kinda look like an ass.
  6. maybe i'm insane but i think most people are intelligent enough to differentiate between your average christian (friends, family and neighbors) and the god hates fags people, which most people are aware come from the westboro baptist church.
  7. #67 meddlehaze, Aug 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Nahh you're right dude. My mom might be moving to Topeka and if she does I'm gonna visit that church and hopefully through God's Spirit speak some truth into their hearts. We shall see
  8. The same happens to atheists. ;)
  9. doesnt matter....they still give you all a bad name...weather it is logical or not...weather you like it or not......
    most of us get that you are not all like that at all....but regardless of this fact........those bad apples have ruined your bunch and how the rest of the world sees you all.....
    again i agree it is dumb to think "all" of any group sucks.....
    but like it or not....most of every group sucks.....
    no matter how you break it down....by religion by race by gender by area....whatever...most people suck......
    and those who suck the most....give the rest a bad name.....

    you seem to forget that it is those people ...who claim to be following the same religion you claim......that are make it look this way....hello......religion is the problem.....and people are the problem with religion...
  10. I dislike all Religion equally.



    All a bunch of delusional crazies imo
  11. lol at people in this thread accusing me of "generalizing" and "stereotyping" as if I said all atheists are like this. :rolleyes: and claiming christianity is the only religion to push their beliefs on people. are you fucking serious?:laughing:

    yeah, muslims burning christians to death and burying them alive for not accepting islam has NEVER happened! that christian+muslim couple that was murdered? that totally had nothing to do with religion...:rolleyes:

    to claim that only christians push their beliefs on people is just fucking retarded.

    clearly you've never been to a hasidic jewish neighborhood...

  12. so that makes it ok for them to do it? :rolleyes:

    by the way (to another poster) a lot of atheist are delusional fucktards too. I heard a bitch say when she dies she's gonna be a tree, and in the same breath that believing in god is "stupid". I was like lolwut, didn't you just say when you die you die?

    they don't know what they're talking about half the time. you can't say "when you die that's it nothing happens" and then claim to become a stupid tree.
  13. Yeah, that is exactly what I said. :laughing: :rolleyes: how typical...
  14. It's so unfair, man! Deal with it, because that's not going to stop any time soon regardless of how disagreeable it is to you. Maybe you should be out there doing something twice as positive as that shit is negative to make up for it, instead of wasting your time lamenting them impotently on the internet serious business tubes.
  15. Well, you gotta admit... that's the least efficient way possible to convert someone. :devious: (unless you're converting them to charcoal)

  16. #76 garrison68, Aug 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2011
    These are the percentages of the major world religions, and jews are only a fraction of one percent, so I don't know what the big fucking deal is with the jews - if they're evangelistic they're doing a pretty piss-poor job of it.

    Christianity 33%

    Islam 21%

    Hinduism 13%

    Buddhism 6%

    Sikhism .36%

    Jewish .22%

    Bahaism .1%

    Confucianism .1%

    Jainism .1%

    plus others that are less than one percent

    From infoplease.com
  17. Fuck christianty and ALL other religions.
    Fuck atheism.
    Fuck this thread.
    And fuck my life.

  18. i actually spend alot of time in a strictly hasidic jewish camp.........not once has a single one of them been anything at all to me but polite and thankful.....;):smoke:
    never a single attempt to convert me....
    never an attempt to give me their teachings.....
    ready to answer questions when i have them....
    and have real open philosophical discussions....

    very different from my experiences with many of the christians i have known......not all of them suck...just most....;):smoke:
  19. the Amish in the area here (and there's a lot) are all great, friendly folk. Make some dank ass peanut butter and banana bread too. Mad love for them.
  20. But as I said earlier... What about Klobak, man?

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