Why don't anarchists go to Africa?

Discussion in 'General' started by ADIV, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. There's a lot of countries that are pretty much total anarchy in Africa, right? Why don't all the little punks that say anarchy is the answer just get a plane ticket to Africa and enjoy the anarchy?
  2. Because that's what the UK's for silly.
  3. because africa sucks.
  4. How are anarchists going to get that kind of money? They hate money and corporations, remember?
  5. Anarchists are black. Africans are too. There you go.
  6. Bro, you sound pissed.
  7. Anarchy in the UK! :metal:

  8. Haha no way. I'm way too fucking high to get pissed right now
  9. I'm munching on homemade chocolate chip cookies. Easy to love life with gooey cookies and milk after doing 5 bong hits. :bongin:
  10. It's because they don't really want anarchy. They want to babble about it nonstop because they think it's cool. They're all talk.
  11. anarchy is something you spread...wait im sleepy
  12. #12 mushroomsatsuji, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Oh fuck. Anarchist missionaries
  13. because they don't want to see a reality that conflicts with their world view. Africa is a shithole because the governments don't care at all. the people can do whatever they want but there is no infrastructure, irrigation or drinking water.
  14. It's because anarchy is generally far different than what most interpret it as. Most interpret it as total chaos with no order, which it is not. That may be the textbook definition, but it surely isn't the political movement the majority of anarchists strive for.

    They strive for a solid community. Fellow man helping fellow man without obligation or motive. If such a movement/revolution could occur, there would obviously be no need for the democratic and capitalistic system we have now. There would still be order in a community though. Again, it's another area where people fear that there would be nothing holding back crime. Aside from serial killers and other psychotic people, a majority of crime is money related. No money = no money related crime (obviously).

    You might have heard of anarchist collectives. Probably more bad than good, but generally, a lot of the attention received is sensationalism. Most are organizations devoted to helping out their community in some shape or form. Whether it is providing education materials, community gardens, etc... they want to help and they want to spread that sort of message.

    However, we're stuck with the textbook definition and a surplus of people who want to be anarchists by that definition. People who only want to graffiti walls, be rude, set things on fire, etc... They have no regard for any form of order because they listened to a Causalities song and now believe they know everything there is to know about the movement. It's terrible how easy it is for some select individuals to disgrace a positive ideology because they read everything literally and not between the lines.
  15. #15 dbomber757, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2011
    Because they can't deal when confronted with real problems, because they're pussies, because they're posers... too many reasons to list honestly.

    Oh and this little gem "No money = no money related crime (obviously)." Haha ok so no crime related to getting the paper used to buy goods. I agree with that, since if that paper doesn't exist, there will be no crime relating to it. But do you really think that there would be no crime to obtain material possessions? I hope not, for the sake of your intelligence.
  16. Because the people who say they're anarchists only want that; to say that they're anarchists, and complain about 'the system' whilst reaping it's benefits and doing nothing to improve it.

    P.S., the type of person I'm referring to is obviously not who chocobo is talking about, so no offense to people who just want a different style of governance.
  17. No offense man. I know the kind of people you're mentioning. They're nothing but a bane on the improvement of mankind.
  18. Not saying I'm not because I wouldn't either. They are to pussy to handle real anarchy. They would rather be safe.
  19. dude , i know right?
  20. Your blatant misunderstanding of anarchism is showing.

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