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why doesnt this happen to me?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Brantley, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. So I've been smoking weed every day lately, yet I never really get 'baked'. Like I want to get retarded high, I want music to sound like heaven, I want to connect with things, get fucjed up haha! I have really good weed, but how do I achieve this high? I smoke from cig one hitter that has a deep bowl so I get about 3 hiits per bowl. One time I took over 27 hits, I was pretty high but not 'baked'..seriously how do I do this? It's such a fucking annoyance constantly packing the onie over and over again. Annyone help me out? Is yhete something home made I can make? I tried making a mini water bong using the one hitter as my stem but that sucks
  2. sounds like you need to scoop a bong. If you're broke, make a gravity bong.
  3. Build a killer gravity bong . use a 2 liter or bigger bottle . Use a bucket & buy a glass bowl for the gb & ur golden
  4. If you put weed in your ass and then light it you'll be In another world
  5. #5 Streetsaint, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
    Or instead of killing urself, u could buy a Bukket, which is a pretty get way to get really ripped really fast. Check it out, its like a marijuana accordion.

    For newfound dangers regarding homemade smoking equipment go here:
  6. ^ I've always wanted to try one of those bukkets , but how is it safer than a gravity bong if the bukket has more plastic & a metal bowl ? ... the gb at my homies house has a glass bowl . prolly both are bad cuz either way they got plastic ? Idk
  7. Three words.
    Rip a bong:bongin:
  8. #8 marktsunami, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
    Homemade bongs with glass bowls aren't the same as homemade bongs with plastic bowls. If the plastic doesn't melt and release fumes (a down stem doesn't get hot enough to melt plastic outside of it) it's perfectly safe to smoke out of. Think about it like those wax lined cups that you're not supposed to put hot drinks in. If you put hot water in a cup like that, the wax melts off and you have a bad tasting drink. However, if you put a glass cup inside that wax cup and poured a hot drink into that, the wax doesn't melt and you get ripped. Or am I confusing the metaphors here :D

    Bottom line is water bottle bongs are safe if the bowl and down stem are glass.

    Edit: obviously it's preferable to smoke out of an all glass piece if possible, as if you smoke a lot in a short period of time, it's conceivable that the down stem could heat up enough to melt a little plastic.
  9. Use a 32 liter bottle for a gravity bong and you will land on your ass.
  10. you're probably smoking this:


    you want to use this:


    and smoke this:


    and feel like this:


    and look like this:

  11. I know exactly how you feel. I'm picking up a bong soon since that's what everyone seems to suggest.
  12. [quote name='"tastytrichomes"']you're probably smoking this:

    you want to use this:

    and smoke this:

    and feel like this:

    and look like this:


    This was pretty clever

  13. One hitters are for pussies. Hit up a bong or pipe or a gb. Get ya straight flying

  14. Well first of all, almost anything manufactured by a legitimate company is going to be a million times safer than shit u make at home with a swiss army knife and a bottle lol. The bukket as far as I understand doesn't have plastic parts that actually touch bud/smoke. I think the bowl piece is metallic or something and the only other plastics are the top (which is just a top), the base (which has nothing to do with anything) and, heres the one that could potentially be bad, the mouthpiece. But durable plastic on the mouthpiece that u use to quickly inhale smoke for like half a second will not melt in my opinion. This is all just conjecture but I've used the bukket with a friend and loved it. If u wanna smoke instead of vaping, id get it. Also pretty damn portable.
  15. [quote name='"Streetsaint"']

    Well first of all, almost anything manufactured by a legitimate company is going to be a million times safer than shit u make at home with a swiss army knife and a bottle lol. The bukket as far as I understand doesn't have plastic parts that actually touch bud/smoke. I think the bowl piece is metallic or something and the only other plastics are the top (which is just a top), the base (which has nothing to do with anything) and, heres the one that could potentially be bad, the mouthpiece. But durable plastic on the mouthpiece that u use to quickly inhale smoke for like half a second will not melt in my opinion. This is all just conjecture but I've used the bukket with a friend and loved it. If u wanna smoke instead of vaping, id get it. Also pretty damn portable.[/quote]

    Yeah they look like they hit . I might order one soon , but the white accordion part is plastic , either way I want one . Maybe later I can put a glass bowl on there instead
  16. Bukkets RIP dude because they allow u to fill it up like a chamber in a bong and then toke it all quick just like lifting out the slide and inhaling rapidly. I generally vaporize so I CHOKED on my first bukket hit lol friend loled at me

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