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Why doesn't it last?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ThatGuyThere, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. The other day I hung out with my friend who is notoriously known to have dank weed. I smoked 2 hits and didn't feel anything, then smoked a cig and got high as fuck super fast out of nowhere. We walked to the park and like 10 minutes into the high I could tell I was coming down off the high. A couple hours later we went and smoke 2 more hits and the re-up was pretty strong as usual for me at least but then a couple of minutes later (after smoking another cig) I felt like I was coming down again. Was it the cigs making it not last long, or the amount?? I still got super fucked up while it lasted so I know it was dank.
  2. Probably because you only took 2 hits? Smoke a whole bowl lol....
  3. Well it still got me pretty high so idk.. my friend was pretty high the whole time
  4. how often do you smoke? if i've been toking daily i rarely get more than 30 minutes of pure bliss from a bowl.
  5. 2 days out of every month i smoke a few bowls

  6. My guess is you're not really getting that high and what you're feeling is just the rush from the tobacco or lack of oxygen. If you're new to the game you may not be able to differentiate.
  7. It could be creeper bud and usually when I have a cig after smoking, I come down alot faster then without one.
  8. haha, you probably didn't smoke enough to get really blazed and all you felt was the headrush from the tobacco. So when you came down from the nicotine rush your high was so minimal that yu didn't notice you were still high.

    I don't know. But just because the bud is dank doesn't mean you should only smoke two hits...
  9. to the title of this thread "thats what she said"

    and i notice that my highs dont last that long either anymore. i think it is time for a t break. but you should definately take more than 2 hits if you want to be higher longer
  10. If you don't smoke cigs often you prolly just got a nicotine rush like everybody else said.
  11. Yea, probably cause you only took two hits and also the cigarette high took over the weed high and we all know nicotine is a short lasting fix and makes you want more.
  12. thanks everyone! well i just smoked some dank and no cig and my high is lastin. i think it was definently the cigs
  13. If the dudes limitin you to 2 hits then rip like you haven't before and hold that in for a good 5sec. I'm sure you're doin something wrong.

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