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Why Doesnt Health Insurance Cover MMJ In Prescription Plans?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by weeble0wobble, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Hi, im a 23 year old female who has been diagnosed with a personality disorder and PTSD. I have both state and private insurance, however not in a medical state. I was researching about people who DO have cards, and it has come to my attention that mmj is NOT covered by insurance plans.
    I have been off prescription pills for the psych complaints for over a years, and im doing better than i have been in forever. The major difference now is that I am medicating with weed. it seems to help more than any of the pills, and it has zero negative side effects. So, if this natural sustainable medication seems to help millions of people, why isn't it being used in offices routinely?????????????? The price of enough weed to medicate for a month is comparetitively MUCH more than a month of prescription psych pills even without insurance coverage. :( this baffles me.
  2. Its not federally legal thats why
  3. BTW maybe you should try vaping to conserve
  4. Girl u don't even need insurance $20 for a gram is enough
  5. Because like BeeJee said above, it isn't federally legal.
    Everyone also knows that there's people at the moment who have a medical card who don't necessarily need it. Imagine if people could get weed covered by insurance and then sold it on the streets.
  6. Are you sure weed is more expensive than psych pills? Where do you live?
  7. Having worked in the Health Insurance field for a while, I can aver that indeed it is not covered because of the Federal Laws. NO HMO will touch MMJ while it remains on Schedule 1.

    ANY HMO/PPO claiming that they will cover you for MMJ are LYING. THOUGH I have heard of a few plans covering the doctor's visit (which these days you can get your recommendation as cheap as $35 in California so big deal) - but NO company will cover the costs of meds.
  8. Do insurance companies ever cover alternative or holistic medicine?

    I'm not saying cannabis belongs under those categories, I'm just curious.
  9. Because that doesn't happen with prescription pills?
  10. [quote name='"BananaBud"']Because like BeeJee said above, it isn't federally legal.
    Everyone also knows that there's people at the moment who have a medical card who don't necessarily need it. Imagine if people could get weed covered by insurance and then sold it on the streets.[/quote]

    As I'm sure they don't do that with prescription meds :rolleyes:
  11. Yeah who needs insurance for a dispensary?
    I'd smoke either way, i wouldn't mind paying regular prices + tax for dank edibles, bud, and concentrates.
    If its so much more affordable then you should be able to hang.
  12. key thing not mentioned...

    MJ is recommended, not prescribed.

    but as WildWill said, that's due to the Feds scheduling 'problem' (that has cocaine as a safer drug to use...see the fallacy in that?)
  13. Ya i dont ever support insurance companies paying for weed. That would be a joke
  14. [quote name='"hotdog32836"']Ya i dont ever support insurance companies paying for weed. That would be a joke[/quote]

    Because its a medicine that actually works and helps people with no side effects? I mean insurance companies pay for OxyContin which is a highly addictive, a very dangerous drug, kills people, and has many side effects while also making you feel higher than weed so what's wrong with weed?

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