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Why does the trippiest stuff happen when im baked?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by gameshark39, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Hey everyone, its just that i find whenever im completely zooted, the coolest/trippiest things tend to happen. Let me give you all an example.

    So i had just blazed a kief bowl and was on my way to my local gym. Everytime i walk there i get to go through this crazy trail that winds its way through a field and a forested area. Anyways, im walking along listening to my favorite song (strobe by deadmau5 :D) and as the song started peaking at like 6 mins, a flock of about 150 small birds just fly in out of nowhere. Coolest thing about this though, was that birds were sort of forming different line formations as they settled, giving them the look of just one bird with like 50 ghosts of it behind.

    The closest thing i can remember seeing similar to this was this youtube vid (just with birds instead of cars)

    [ame=]YouTube - Trackmania - The 1K Project II[/ame]

    What trippy experiences have you all had?
  2. Smoking a blunt while driving and having some guyh chase me and try run into me head on

  3. I had the SAME exact thing happen to me, lasted like 10 minute chase because i was driving too slow after my blunt apparently.....:hello::smoking:
  4. Hahaha no kidding man. I feel you. Last time I was ripping a bong with my buds my friends manager and wife decided to come over while all of us were baked as shit. they did NOT look chill, however, they ended up being tokers as well. can't judge a book by its cover :p
  5. Zoning out to a cat lick it's ass for 45m, and thinking it's the most fascinating thing on Earth. I was in awe of its dexterity, and remember wishing I could do that. You should watch it some time. It's a trip man. :smoking:
  6. Lol @ the cat licking its ass, but on a different note i love the dreams that follow a day of eating weed brownies. In fact last night i had an incredibly detailed dream about a zombie apocalpyse on my campus (aka zombieland) and i was the one who rallied everyone together, made weapons, and fought. it was freakin awesome! (probably ate about 2 grams that day in brownies :smoking:
  7. hahahahah whoa
  8. lol ive had the zombie dream before

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