Why Does It Seem Like Theres No Love For Fat Lady Stoners?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by ladystoner2210, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    Schulz schulz...
  2. No problem with larger girls here..... Love'em!
  3. How dare those evil men have personal preferences!
    Teh patriarchyz!!!!
  4. #65 tetoleetd, Aug 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2014
    no, im trying to understand why fat girls need to be seen as sexy. you have said its a problem that fat girls are not seen as sexy, and im curious to know why. i just dont get it. it seems like youre treating it as an equality issue but in reality its just natural that most people would want a healthier, skinnier partner.
    and to set the record straight, im not skinny either. but im certainly not fat. there is an inbetween area and idk why you refuse to acknowledge that. seems weird to me. people can be anorexic, skinny, normal, slightly heavier than normal, chubby, a little more than chubby, fat, obese etc..... its not just as simple as people are fat or not fat. there is a big gray area and for a lot of people, we dont expect our partner to be skinny but we also dont want them to be a cow. i feel like you're just arguing against it because you're fat and want to feel like you're sexy too.... and im sure to some people you are sexy, but you cant expect that to be the norm.
  5. there is a difference between thick and fat, and sadly, a lot of fat girls think they are just thick, but they are fat
  6. Nahh,just been very ocupado,but thank you for noticing my absence.Hope you doing good. 1408029850998.jpg
  7. I'm good- well okay. I'm okay :) but you're awesome and I've missed you! I hope you're doing good, too!

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  8. I prefer a lovely, thick, curvy woman, especially with a nice smile.

    Plus sized stoner girls are beautiful.
  9. I would rather be in the company of a larger woman than the type of narcissistic attention-whore that posts those pictures in the first place. They are annoying to look at and have settled into a specific niche on my handy dandy Narcissism Scale.
    "LOOK ET ME I R GeRL whO SMOEKZ WEED BLEH" types annoy the ever-loving piss out of me and a lot of other men and women. Add to that the fact that a lot of people (both stoners and non-stoners) don't find overweight individuals to be very pleasing to their visual palette, and you MAY have your answer. This is, after all, a discussion where opinion has more weight than objective fact, so there won't be a definitive answer. This is just me weighing in with my thoughts on what seems to be quite a polemic topic.
  10. For me personally, I'm just not attracted to obese women with fat rolls, not today, tomorrow, or ever. I like some meat on my girls bones, but an Adele body type is right about the threshold where fat becomes unattractive.

    I'd also like to add OP, insecurity is not sexy in the slightest, which most fat chicks seem to have a lot of. 
  11. Im sure you would be grossed out by " rolls " when Adele takes off the spanx.
  12. Because there's no love for fat girls in general (physically speaking anyway). Most men prefer girls who look more fit and there's nothing wrong with that, I know I'd rather look at pictures of Mila Kunis than of the girl who played Precious.

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  13. I'll date a bigger girl.  I dont care, honestly, as long as she doesnt hate spiders, isnt a shallow dumb bitch, and does more than just smoke weed all day.  I hike.  (and dont say you're too fat to hike, i know people that are 300+ pounds that fare better than me on steep trails!)

    I mean you can be big and still look hot.  My first serious girlfriend was a chubby black girl, and i really liked her.  I still get a raging boner when I think about her, lol.  

    I feel like I'm the only guy out there that actually looks for a smart girl, and wants this more than looks alone.
    People like this is why I barely post any more. I gotta deal with people just like you all day, don't want to when I come here. You killed my buzz with your unnecessary negativity.
    Wasn't just this thread either, I think I've disliked every single thing I've seen you post.
    You seem to boast around the forum about how 'awesome' you are. Guess what? You aren't that awesome.
  15. I'm awesome enough to get someone who stopped posting to post.
  16. i think smart guys like smart girls.

    My husband is a scientist :)
    You got annoying mixed up with awesome.
    I know it's hard since they both start with A.
  18. I wish girls would stop stuffing their face. It's annoying how many girls think being obese is sexy.

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