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Why does it feel like i have a sore throat

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Iceman420, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Im not a daily smoker. Maybe smoke once every two weeks. but everytime, the day after i smoke, it feels like i have a sore throat, like a small one, nothing big. Does anybody know why?
  2. More than likely because your coughing alot, putting stress on the muscles in your throat. Since your not a daily smoker, maybe you just never get used to it?

    Also, smoking nasty, improperly cured weed could be the culprit.
  3. Get a coughdrop or two.

  4. its b/c your inhaling smoke. how are you smoking as in joint, bong, blunt, vap...

  5. is that a question? if so, I smoke RAW papers, and i did a shit load of french inhales. I did cough.
  6. french inhale is bossy as fuck and i loved doing it but take it from me.....

    you do it enough you will lose your sense of smell :cool:

    it will most likely come back (as in my case,,, for the most part) but it damages it for sure an i would advise against it

    but i know how irresistible it can be sometimes....just dont say i didnt warn ya

    as far as sore throat goes its from coughing i almost guarantee you. you cough, strain your throat and then further smoke only exacerbates it

  7. it was a question, didnt know if you were smoking out of a homemade plastic pipe or something. the sore throat is normal b/c your giblets aren't use to smoke.

  8. Wait are you for real?
  9. 100% but im talking about french inhaling fat hits off of milky ass blunts for a while before it gets to that point
  10. smoke is entering your lungs threw your throat thats why
  11. vape and you wont have this problum get a mflb lol
  12. A bet you smoked a joint or blunt. Those can be harsh on your throat from the paper and the high heat.
    Try inhaling slower or go to glass if you are a non frequent smoker.

    One Love
  13. Stay hydrated. Drink water before, during, and after your session.
  14. What are you smoking out of? It's most likely because the smoke & resin burned your throat a little from smoking, especially if you smoke out of a glass spoon bowl

  15. I was smoking out of a joint. RAW papers to be exact. I mean, i usually have this, but it goes away in 2 days max. Its been three days

  16. Raw papers actually make my throat sore as well. Try switching up the brands of papers. My personal fav are Zig Zags.

    One Love
  17. Try switching your method of smoking. Perhaps a pipe to puff on?

    In any case, inhaling any substance will cause irritation of the lungs. If you smoke more often, it will probably go away/you won't notice.
  18. dude im just wondering, how long ago did you first start smoking?
  19. Get yourself a nice bong or vaporizer and i bet that problem will go away.

  20. Well, tomorrow actually is my one year anniversary of trying pot for the first time:smoke:
    Tbh, I've never smoke daily or, weekly for that matter. Maybe around 2-4 times a month, sometimes even less. A year ago, when i started(Feb 8) i didnt smoke till 420 after that, only got buzzed, then smoke again in late May, got supper high, then smoke a couple times in the summer, and then through out 2010, starting in august-december, only smoked no more than 7-10 times.
    A huge dealer got busted in my small town that was like the main supplier in the town, so it might be a while now before i get any more good.

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