Super High Me is a good entertaining video/mockumentary and The Union is definitely informational and mostly accurate ... but if I could suggest one documentary about drugs to someone who's clueless ... American Drug War: Last White Hope. Anyone else see it?
I havent seen super high me, and actually havent heard much about it... I liked the union, it may be biased, but the information is laid out nicely and the progression of the film in general is well done. Two other ones ive seen - and im havent seen mentioned to often - is "BBC Horizon - Cannabis - The Evil Weed" and "Weed - The History Of Marijuana" Both enjoyable. This was the best scene in the whole movie (the history one), made me want to buy a shotgun: [ame][/ame]
i liked super high me. it was an interesting idea done by a very funny man. I see why people wouldnt like it though. i get its a documentary but at the same time i dont think it was meant to be taken seriously to any great extent. its all in good fun
I think Super High Me and The Union are more for people who already smoke weed, whereas other documentaries are more for everyone.