"Why do you smoke?"

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Mo King, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. I saw a blade ask someone in a forum and this quote really stuck out to me:

    It got me to think of all the awesome reasons why I toke and why I'm a happy guy. So I'd like to read some posts on why you all smoke! Cause it's fun, cause it's relaxing, you name it.
    Toke on:wave:
  2. Stops me from killin someone xD. Nah but really. It makes me more creative. It makes me draw things i could never draw sober. Makes me cook things i cant even explain. I mean its the greatest feelin in the world.
  3. im calmer
    more patient
    i eat better
    can focus more
    generally i think i am a nicer person because i smoke everyday
    cannabis also helps me sleep, and relieve back pain from bmx, and make everything better haha
  4. "life's a bitch and then you die, thats why I puff La, cause ya never know when ya gonna go."

  5. you basically named everything for me, cept that it makes me more creative as well. Also, I have no back pain lol.
  6. because it helps to deal with the stress and depression I have, mary jane always does the job.
  7. haha i forgot about being more creative, i play drums and i cant play unless i smoke before because i fucked up my wrist a while back from a skateboarding injury,
    but if i smoke before then i barely notice the pain, i soon realized how much more creative i was after i smoked then played drums
  8. All of these, except I have pains from football, plus I feel energized and it keeps my mood in much better standing.
  9. Thats pretty cool, my dad is teaching me how to play the drums. I skateboard too, a lot of people get injured from skateboarding ive noticed lol. Yeah, marijuana is indeed great.
  10. I hate that question whenever someone asks me that i cant explain why. But i was gonna make the exact same thread. So here it goes.

    I guess i smoke weed because i just don't like the real world. Smoking weed opens up an entire different world where everyone is happy and we all get along with each other. It also opened my mind to many things that are wrong with the world that i wouldn't of noticed if i never tried weed. So all in all it has made me a better person. :D:smoking:

    Also other reasons, boosted my creativity, improved my grades, encouraged me to be more active and exercise more.

  11. Uhm.. the best reason I can give is because....IMABOSS
  12. Keeps me relaxed and calm
    Good way to meet people
    Makes everything more fun
    I try new things when I'm baked
    Makes me more patient
    Makes me friendly
    I draw some pretty cool stuff before during and after I smoke
    Keeps the depression at bay :)
    Gotta love it
  13. It's fun

    A way to meet people who love to blaze

    Makes music better

    Makes food better

    Makes everything better

    I can get on GC and laugh about the nubs who still think Marijuana is bad.

    My only problem with weed is my Xbox 360 gaming skills decrease drastically lol.
  14. Three words:

  15. #15 borntwiztid, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    i smoke because it eases me and lessens the stress. i feel more able to cope with what life has thrown my way when im high. i dont really know how to express it, but it helps me see inside myself. it helps me evaluate and analyze myself and has really helped me figure out what i want from life. i suffer from some mental illnesses and i really believe it helps balance some of my emotions, helping me be better to myself and my relationship with others(im not depressed all the time and helps me not freak out and start yelling). but on a less serious note it still makes me laugh a lot and things are just generally more interesting and funnier when im stoned :p
  16. sO i cOuld lOok cOol
  17. I smoke for a lot of reasons.. I have depression and getting high is really like the only thing that makes me feel happy. I also use it for a reason that it seems most people don't. I use it for the psychedelic aspect of it. I like how it helps me think, it improves my creativity, connects me more with nature and makes it easier to be in tune with my spiritual self. All sorts of stuff. And the reason why i say i think most people don't use it for that reason is because most people don't even seem to acknowledge that effect. Like, my friend always says he feels like he has no brain after smoking. I don't get that.. I kinda feel like I have twice the brain I had before lol. It's like Me +1 in all aspects.

    Also, I'm kinda high so, sorry if what I wrote is ridiculous lol.
  18. masturbation
  19. takes away the hurt from a lot of shit i went through earlier in life
  20. I smoke because it calms me down so much, I can just lay in my bed listening to music for hours on end. Food is better, everything's funny and I get very creative.

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