Why do weed smokers have a connection to all other weed smokers?

Discussion in 'General' started by emdyeks, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. Whenever i meet a stranger who i found out smokes, he is no longer a stranger to me, and it's like we instantly become on the same level. Other hobbies and stuff like if i meet someone else that snowboards, its kind of similiar but not as strong a connection i feel.
  2. Why? Because stoners stick together man.:smoke: Its like a brotherhood imo. Its a world of stoners, and this place is the capitol:hello:
  3. You dont have to worry about gettin in trouble is what it is.

    If he smokes you aient thinkin snitch/cop.
  4. Because only people as stupid as us smoke this shit.
  5. i feel you on that, whenever i find out some one smokes it makes me more interested in obtaining a friendship w/ them.
  6. So you have someone to roll a blunt with. Also to become friends and you share a hobby that you both love. Keep making them then you'll be smoking 3-8 free blunts a day.

  7. I think that might have something to do with it, but I think it's more than that.
  8. The fact that someone smokes does not make me like them. I know a lot of douchebags who smoke.
  9. I agree.

    When i find out someone smokes or whatever its like aight they one of us is how it feels, So no worrys.

    But you both have a hobby in common (smokin) and alot of 'stoners' think in a different way then the average joe.
  10. I hope that was a joke because you are one of the smartest people I know. You actually remind me of my old assistant manager when I worked in the knife shop.
  11. Because marijuana is a taboo subject among many people and people who smoke it are defying the hatred, thus we see them as good people.
  12. because its a combo between all that shit.

    actually its cuz we have that sense of amazment that you didnt imagine this guy to be a smoker to begin with and then you are like wow what other cool stuff does this guy do. and for me its like well if he smokes then he must be for legalizing it and anyone who is for the legalization of MJ is ok in my book.

    but really i look at it like, oh cool he smokes. what kind of smoker is he. is he like SRH, cuz honestly im not into that and not to say everyone who likes that stuff is a little dickish, but i come across a lot of people that are when they "representin" the "stoners"

    im more of the seedless kinda guy. just chillin, but i still get along with some of the people as long as they dont blab on about other shit that isnt pertinent to me or the moment. i dont like talking about shit that i dont have an interest in really. and who does? no one. but im not saying you are a bad person cuz you are into that shit, thats your liking, and it works for you.

    other people that i tend to wonder about are the people that only smoke highs. and insist that highs are the only true forms of weed. i beg to differ. i get plenty stoned on mids and lows. yeah i try to stay away from lows but if im gonna re-up and thats what my dealer has then ill buy it, but im not picky really, and basically if you are going to out right deny my bud just cuz it doesnt meet to your standards, then fuck you, you dont apreciate weed enough to know that all kinds are good kinds.

    but i still am cool with them. i mean its the little things that urk me but im not gonna be an ass and deny a friendship based on stereo types of certain kinds of smokers. but that image will still be in my mind every time you do something like them.
  13. I get it too, dude.

    We were in Antigua for vacation and started chatting it up with a local who was smoking a joint. Ended up buying a J from him later that day, it was tight.
  14. i'm not sure that's a compliment to say "You remind me of a guy i worked with at a dead end job at a knife store... with a bunch of rednecks"...

    lol, jk...

    i couldn't have understood half of my algorithm analysis and wireless engineering classes without being on the "level" i was on
  15. ha you seem like a cool guy man. what is SRH though? I know it has something to do with the Kottonmouth Kings?
  16. Wow, thats strange. I dont believe I said that. Dont put words in my mouth.
  17. I think it's because when someone smokes weed, that's another thing you have in common. There's a few people that I hardly talk to that I wish smoked weed. Cuz then I could just hit them up and blaze with them.
  18. I don't believe this. I don't get along w/ all weed smokers.. Some are moochers and some annoying. On a website I can see a lot more getting along cause you never really meet that person. Now if you are at a concert it's a good way to meet others.. Some you like and some you don't.. I've met a lot of people I didn't like. But I also found some cool friends that way!
  19. I don't believe that I'll be friends with everyone who likes cannabis either, different smokes for different folks and all that.

    I think our perception changes when talking with people and finding out that someone is a toker. Doesn't your viewpoint change a little? Maybe a little more interest to see what kind of a smoker they are, or maybe just a little more relaxed because you know you won't catch negative flak from this person about it?
    You may or may not like them, but they share the oppression of being a toker.

    Not sure where you draw a connection from knife stores to rednecks.
    Do hillbilly's have a facination with expensive santuko's?
    I love to check out knives at the shop, unless Rasta_Man is working.

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