Why do the anti Marijuana people keep spreading this false hysteria over Big Marijuana targeting kids?

Discussion in 'General' started by jonobooto1325476, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. #1 jonobooto1325476, Aug 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2013
    I thought the rules in CO and WA were supposed to be only 21 and up like alcohol with stiff penalties for selling to minors. They want us to believe that marijuana legalization means "big marijuana targeting kids". Despite the fact that rules and regulations could be adjusted such as banning any advertising and marketing, no cartoons or cool colors on the packages to make marijuana appealing to kids, and tougher penalties for selling it to minors. Its a scare tactic to take it away from adults. They deny that any form of marijuana legalization could ever be good regardless of how taxed and regulated it is. They exaggerated these hospital emergency visits from marijuana. For example someone could fall on a knife and end up in the ER. If they smoked pot a week ago and the hospital fines THC in their sytem, they show the chart of Marijuana ER visits and try to blame marijuana for the ER visit. They show this chart of skyrocketing marijuana DUI fatalities when most of those accidents could from people with trace amounts of THC smoked a while ago.
    They say theres an epidemic of kids in treatment for marijuana when most of them were forced there. They bring up the social costs for alcohol and tobacco outweighing the tax revenue when the social costs for marijuana are far lower. They say more kids will use it. But in the Netherlands they rank lower than most of Europe in marijuana use despite there being coffee shops selling it while other countries dont have that. They say there was a 5 fold increase in marijuana use in the Netherlands in the 70s and 80s without mentioning that ALL of Europe, Canada and America had the same explosion in marijuana use dispite marijuana remaining illegal. They dont mention that California ranks just 10th in marijuana use despite it being so easy to get a card and pot shops everywhere. With all of that going on, you would expect California to be 1st by a mile. They continue to demonize how bad legalization would be without without the benefits of the jobs and tax revenue. They say the illegal black market for Marijuana is not violent criminals! They say marijuana users rarely ever get arrested. They create this hysteria of pot shops in black communities like the liquor stores as if a pot shop thats regulated, licensed and taxed is somehow worse than gangbangers with guns selling it.They lie and say marijuana causes mental illness, when its the people with mental illness that use marijuana to cope with it. They lie and say theyre against incarceration of marijuana users when they want to funnel marijuana users in drug courts, and jail them if they grow their own. They say marijuana causes schizophrenia despite the rates of schizophrenia remaining the same over decades with marijuana use skyrocketing.
    If more kids answer a survey they smoke marijuana, they deny that it could be that more kids are willing to admit using it. So then theyre gonna blame that on legalization and show a chart exaggerating the increase in marijuana use. They lie and say the Netherlands reversed their policy as if all the coffee shops are closed.
    Why are they doing this?

  2. Because they're stupid. Society is gonna die off before they even get close to opening their minds. It's just the way it is

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