I noticed this alot as a kid but i still notice it as an adult. But some people will go out and look for fights. Theyll just look for something to fight about and if there isnt a reason to fight theyll make one. I mean cant we all just get along. Im a if you dont fuck with me i wont fuck with you kinda guy so i dont understand why people pick fights just for the sake of fighting. As i said i noticed it alot as a young teenager but you know that shit just kinda happens with teens but when i see it as adult it just stumps me its not gonna make your dick bigger,its not gonna put more money in your pocket(unless your a professional fighter) all its gonna do is get you into trouble . Idk can someone explain why some people fight just to fight
I know exactly what you mean. When I was younger I got in fights alllll the time, but that was largely me standing up to bullies n shit. As an adult i've had several people approach me at concerts and find reasons to get in my face and start shit, only to walk away when I stand up to them. I have no idea why people do it. Every time I think about how many idiots I've had to knock around at shows in the past 2 years it just blows my mind.
It usually has to do with insecurities or other mental aberrations. Projecting your own negative thoughts and feelings of yourself onto another is, unfortunately, a great coping mechanism for most people. It's cathartic. Of course, those people will never admit that they have insecurities (even though we all do). But, 9 times out of 10, once you get to know that person, those insecurities become clear. Daddy issues, mommy issues, introversion, poor treatment during childhood, low self-esteem/worth/image, etc. Even in the world of competitive fighting, most fighters are coming from hard backgrounds. I got involved with MMA because I have schizophrenia, and fighting gave me something to strive for and a way to clear my head and blow off steam. There are still many competitive fighters who are in it for the wrong reasons, though. On the flip side, read any comedian's biography and you'll see that they became comedians because of insecurities. It seems that humans have 3 ways of dealing with insecurities: violence, making fun of self and others, or completely shutting down. I'm sure you know all 3 types.
There many reasons why. But think logically. A doctor isn't going to throw bows in a club or look for a fight, he has a career/life to take care of. The guy who has a job at McDonald's probably doesn't give a damn, he's down for whatever. See what I mean?? Maturity has a lot to do with it. And alcohol the biggest role, liquid confidence.
I have never intentionally gone and picked a fight with someone, but I refuse to walk away from a situation if someone is trying to fight me. There Is little else on this earth that compares to the feeling you get right before hands start flying, that intensely aware couple of moments where you can feel your instincts doing things for you, such as sizing up your opponent, looking for weakness, decideding when to swing and when to move. I must say that even if I lose a fight ( lost quite a few, but won many aswell) I'm glad to have fought. Does this mean I have insecurities? Sorry if I rambled, wake and bake.
You might want to wake up a bit more, because this thread is about people who look for fights, not those who don't back down from fights. And yes, you do have insecurities. Everybody does. Lying to yourself about them just bolsters them.
Honestly, i love fighting. That's a high that if i could sprinkle in weed i would. Nothing beats getting punch in the face and having the ability to hit then back. Such a rush
cause they are primates and want to impress the other gender and other competitive males to increase their chances of reproduction. Who needs the zoo anyways?
Do you go out and look for fights like do you just see someone and think ima get up in his face and start shit just cuz. Also i understand standing up for your self and defending your self im talking about people who just want to start problems just to start problems
Yeah I know the kind your talking about. Not much different from the kind that talks constantly, and doesn't stop.
No i defiantly don't do that. But there had been times when someone is being a tool and thinks he a badass i have. and even if i get my ass kicked people that act like they hard aren't, if you understanding. Those people looking for fights are pussys in all reality.
most cases people who do this are just douchebags... but idk some people just like to fight, its an adrenaline rush and fucking intense lol so i can see why some people want to and i mean if your good well fuck, its prolly pretty awesome being a bad ass... lol i got my ass kicked pretty good a few weeks back when i was smashed backing up my bro, had twp dudes banging on me, just ducked my head n started throwin... nothing you can really do when shit faced... either way shit was still fun even tho i got fucked!
Dude your grammar is so bad. I'm honestly not trying to be offensive here, but how do you not read over what you just typed and go "well that doesn't sound right" and then take 30 seconds to edit it?
I am on my phone at work, using swype. I don't usually read it and when i do i read, i edit it. My bad bro.
Yea nothing better than a bitch who doesnt really want shit trying to look tough at my expense.They help me get my adrenaline fix.but im not a bully i hate bullys.
Some people are that way I guess. I don't ever look for fights, but I admit, I get pissed real easily. Example A: I was at safeway the other night getting junk food, and forgot my friends 4 digit pin number, there was prob 2 people behind me. This greasy fuck hick guy just had this annoyed eye roll on his face, and obviously I apologized cus I did not intend to hold up a line...anyways before I left I got reaaallll flustered, and said "Thanks so much for being so patient" and I know I sounded like a dick, but I wanted to fuckin tackle that mf and beat him in front of the clerk...not trying to sound tough at all, that's just me. oh, and no I don't go looking for fights lol