Walking down the street in my city i see like 4 out of 5 guys with manboobs....they walk awkwardly and try to hide it...10 years ago maybe 1 out of 5 had it, but now? its rediculous, why do so many guys have it now lol? even skinny dudes
[quote name='"zowie"']I'm benching and showing gains. does that consider man boobies?[/quote] Those are called pecs....Dur.
people are becoming fatter. And also I've heard that the steroids and hormones they put into dairy cows is messing up peoples hormones. Guys having more manboobs, kids going through puberty earlier, etc etc.
Moobies can be way disturbing. I get pissed when I see a dude with a pair of moobs larger than my BOOBS. I think it may have something to do with hormones that can be found in milk and pumped up animals that we consume.
i swear to fuck i saw a kid fatter than yesterday with titties bigger than most chicks and he had to be only like 9 or 10 y.o. i laughed that out for a good minute hahahaha
I hate how with all this knowledge and capability to live longer by eating the most healthy and best foods, we'd rather eat ourselves to death. Your health and future health really depends on what you eat.
i watch my coworkers stuff their faces every single day with fatty ass bacon and other foods made with enough mayonnaise to bring down a horse. its sad as shit.