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Why do pipes turn a diffrent color

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Toketoken420, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Why do pipes turn a diffrent color when you smoke out of them? i would like to know because my bubbler is turning blue and purple on the mouth piece and bowl area.
  2. From the resin?
  3. The resin that sticks to the inside after burning that sweet ganja
  4. Color changing glass is made by small pieces of metal (usually silver and/or gold) that are held in the flame of the torch until vaporized (often called 'fuming'). The glass is rotated in this vapor stream until a fine layer of the vaporized metal is visible on the surface of the glass.

    After this, clear glass is applied (often in 'dots' and 'lines') to 'encase' the vaporized metal in between layers of glass. There are many techniques and methods of applying the fumes and clear glass making a myriad of different colors, and endless types of patterns that one can come up with. The colors produced with fumed metals are best when they are translucent, vibrant, and reflective. As the pipe darkens with use, the colors (many barely visible) become darker and much more conspicuous, thus causing the appearance of much richer 'color change' (the glass itself doesn't actually change colors though).

    Color changing glass
  6. There are also types of glass that actually change color. Pretty cool i think. But the black on the inside is resin.

    edit: damn. two others beat me to it in the exact same minute. lol
  7. That or either you have yourself a color changing peice.

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