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why do pipes get you so baked?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by YoooJess, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. i bought a glass pipe from the gas station....i thought blunts got me stoned until i switched to glass
  2. waste way less than blunts/joints

    bongs are even better, and vaporizers are the best for getting the most THC out of your weed
  3. Wait til you try gravity bongs, vaps, and bongs
  4. Glass vs paper seems to get you higher because you're getting more smoke in less of a time. Hits you harder. Bong is even more smoke at once vs a pipe, which is why I love my bong.
  5. I've noticed the same thing. But my vaporizer definitely gets me the most baked. It's amazing :)

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