Why do people try and find out what happens when you die?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Bud420, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. My question is what was it like before we were born? :confused:

    Before I started smoking weed thinking of this and dying would actually give me panic attacks to where I would be punching myself in the chest to try and breathe
  2. Well i personally think that after u die u become the same as before u were born, a part of everything around you.... constantly flowing throughout the universe as energy.
  3. It'd be cool if heaven was like a soul bank.When someone is born a random soul floating about in the bank gets thrown into a unborn baby.So you end up with personalitys that you wouldn't expect from some people.Like white kids who act black or summin.
  4. To your question "what was it like before we were born?" I myself have heard this question phrased in another manner "were you uncomfortable the day your parents met?" i think it's somewhat the same question; so here's my opinion;

    I assume it's very similar to death; so by death I mean either the event of dying or the state of being dead. The best way i can explain it as i see it is sleep without dreaming which is probably similar to death.

    I'm told that, even when we don't remember them, we usually dream, but nonetheless, if you consider some night recently when you awoke with your last memories being those of the night before, you might as well have not existed for the hours between; you were virtuallly dead. I'm convinced that being dead is something like this because this is nothing; you cannot describe being asleep without dreams, there is nothing to describe. It is the absence of anything: no experience.
  5. :confused::confused::confused::confused:
  6. well, we cant really know until it happens can we?

    so i like your idea the best.
  7. kill yourself and report back to us with ur findings. No but really death is a scary prospect for MOST of us and our over sized monkey brains to think about so its not really a wonder why we think so much about it or try to come up with lots of bullshit to soothe the idea that death is the end of the living and living is all we know. All i know is enjoy your life help as many people as u think u can a long the way and do everything you can for your kids and ur rotten kids try not to become a sheep, and just enjoy the three main pleasures of life, good drugs, sex and music and fucking travel.
  8. This is a different approach to the question and deals more with how we feel about our death, rather then describing what it's like to be dead. I don't see how either is especially frightening, unless you expect to go to hell or some such place, in which case I would guess your life was somewhat disagreeable as well. To fear the event itself somewhat, I can understand; I imagine it would be something like being punched extremely hard in the jaw and being knocked unconscious, depending on the sort of death you had. Of course, there are potentially horrific deaths, but I hope no one is expecting to be burned at the stake. Being dead itself seems perfectly fine to me; it is not any kind of experience.

    I don't want to sound callous, I love life. I just feel that there is a needless fear of something absolutely certain to happen and without which, life would eventually become much more horrible, in my opinion. Also, not that I'm in any hurry, but when that time does arrive, I'd rather like to see what all the fuss is about...

  9. Yeah I have always felt like death was like going to sleep and not waking up...Because when you sleep the only time you know you were sleep is when you wake up with death you never wake up
  10. I'll get there eventually.

    I make no claims to know the unknown, but I have my hopes.
  11. If there's no life after I die then I'll be too dead to care.
  12. You know how some people believe in heaven and hell,what if there is and you live another life in one of them and theres a heaven and hell #2 and it goes on an on.Or maybe your sent to another planet where life lives,who knows.Unless we had a device to monitor a persons journey through life and after they die we wont know until we actually do.
  13. Well I'm one of those people who believe in Heaven and Hell and that your soul is eternal. Just have had too many profound experiences personally to believe their isn't a God.

    If anything I have peace of mind that when I die that I'll go to Heaven. If I was wrong then I'll never even know. But I'd hate to be that guy who died and stood before the judgement seat of God thinking I was suppose to be unconcious.
  14. Edit: Four

  15. At least we all get to go away in a dxm trip.
  16. Once you are dead it is like before you were born - agree with that. We all have a brief moment of consciousness.
  17. I can't help but read your posts and hear it in my head with Anne Widdecombe's voice.
  18. People are constantly looking for answers about death and what comes after out of fear. This is more of a philosophical question then a scientific one so I won't go into it too much here.

  19. you're thinking of DMT.
  20. Yes, she has a lovely voice, but an ugly face !!!!

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