Why do people think its crazy to....

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Soccerguy420, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. why do people think its crazy to question if Obama was born in the US? hes yet to provide any documentation of his birth, going to school here etc, and i think its crazy how he got elected without a "resume" so to speak at all. sure he is great at talking, but not a good speech maker. for god sakes he used a teleprompter to talk to a class of 3rd graders. (watch the second video in the link its ridiculous) TOTUS-Gate: Did Obama Really Need a Prompter to Talk to Kids? : The Powers That Be

    so anyway, why do people think its crazy to question his birth place? I don't even think he should be president, hes terrible.
  2. this has been discussed over and over and over and over nad over and over and over here and everywhere else. obviously bitching about it isnt going to change anything at this point, whether he has proved a birth certificate or not.
  3. The reason it's 'crazy' is because it doesn't really matter.

    Should, as a general principle, all candidates for all offices be required to prove they met the criteria to hold the office? Probably.

    But, ultimately, the American people really don't care where Obama was born. So what if he was born in some other place? No court has the authority to remove him from office anyways, the Constitution doesn't permit that.

  4. what the fuck are you talking about? its called impeachments.
  5. It doesn't matter if the president is born in the United States or not? Are you sure about that?

    Have you ever heard of a guy named Bill Clinton?
  6. Of the previous 43 Presidents, none of then have been asked, forced, or expected to show their birth certificate.

    Name one thing about the current president that is different between him and the 43 others.

    Now if you posed the question "What is wrong with asking to see any candidate's birth certificate before they take office", that's different... and not necessarily racist.

    But asking about this current president just because he's different in a couple of ways than the rest of the Presidents, people assume that you only care now because of one or both of those two differences.

    That's why the non-tin-foil-hat set think that Birthers are racist. Because they only care now because his skin is black, and his name sounds foreign (they say Muslim, but Barak is also the name of the Israeli Defense Minister - Ehud Barak - so it can't be THAT muslim).

    FWIW, a few fringe liberals questioned MCain's elligibility when he won the nomination because he was born in Panama. Those people were ridiculed by both mainstream Democrats and mainstream Republicans alike. But when the fringe rightwing started asking about Obama, they were ridiculed by the left, but given respect, deference, and air time by the right.

    For the same reason as listed above for why it makes individuals look racist to care about it, it makes all those who don't decry the Birthers look racist by association.
  7. This is really a special kind of stupid. Wow.

    What is your source for this claim?

    let me quote myself

  8. Because...


    This is as close as you're ever gonna get... if this is not good enough for you, then there is nothing that will ever satisfy you.
  9. I love when people try to attack me.

    Reread my post.

    No court has the authority to remove the President.

    Congress is not a court of law, it is a legislative body.

    But it boils down to a simple fact, the American people don't care where he was born. For most people the fact that his mother was an American is enough, and they aren't concerned with the tiny difference between 'natural born citizen' and some other type of citizen.

  10. John Mccain was born in Panama lololol
  11. That seems to the be essence of it, to me. It's not about constitutional continuity, it's about underlying social ideology.

    You drive away the look of legitimacy when you involve partisan ideology.
  12. Well if you look at the constitution it states the the president as to be born a us citizen and if that is not the case then obviously he cannot become a president and the parents have to be citizens.

    Barack Obama is not legally a U.S. natural-born citizen according to the law on the books at the time of his birth, which falls between "December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986." Presidential office requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. citizen parents, which of course is what exempts John McCain though he was born in the Panama Canal. US Law very clearly stipulates: "If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16." Barack Obama's father was not a U.S. citizen and Obama's mother was only 18 when Obama was born, which means though she had been a U.S. citizen for 10 years, (or citizen perhaps because of Hawaii being a territory) the mother fails the test for being so for at least 5 years **prior to** Barack Obama's birth, but *after* age 16. It doesn't matter *after* . In essence, she was not old enough to qualify her son for automatic U.S. citizenship. At most, there were only 2 years elapsed since his mother turned 16 at the time of Barack Obama's birth when she was 18 in Hawaii. His mother would have needed to have been 16+5= 21 years old, at the time of Barack Obama's birth for him to have been a natural-born citizen. As aforementioned, she was a young college student at the time and was not. Barack Obama was already 3 years old at that time his mother would have needed to have waited to have him as the only U.S. Citizen parent. Obama instead should have been naturalized, but even then, that would still disqualify him from holding the office.

    *** Naturalized citizens are ineligible to hold the office of President.

    *** Though Barack Obama was sent back to Hawaii at age 10, all the other info does not matter because his mother is the one who needed to have been a U.S. citizen for 10 years prior to his birth on August 4, 1961, with 5 of those years being after age 16. Further, Obama may have had to have remained in the country for some time to protect any citizenship he would have had, rather than living in Indonesia. Now you can see why Obama's aides stopped his speech about how we technically have more than 50 states, because it would have led to this discovery. This is very clear cut and a blaring violation of U.S. election law. I think the Gov. of California would be very interested in knowing this if Obama were elected President without being a natural-born U.S. citizen, and it would set precedence.

  13. no one cares because racist republicans are the only people obsessed with borders

    *republicans aren't racist, they just elect racists to represent them, and defend other racist republicans* lmao
  14. Kicking Barak Obama out of office on this small technicality - and at this point you must see that rational people see it as a small technicality - will destroy the country.

    Government will come to a standstill.

    The Republicans will argue that Biden shouldn't be allowed to take office because he might not have won if he was at the top of the ticket. So we'll have months and months of litigation of hearings to see how to proceed.

    Worst case scenario, we could end up with Nancy Pelosi taking office (as Gerald Ford did when Nixon left office) and then Republicans won't be able to prove that they are not sexist by electing Palin as the first female President.

    There will be months and months of hearings and litigation with no leadership in the Government and it will be difficult for people agree on a legitimate successor to Obama. Most likely whoever takes his place will be seen by 1/2 of the country as not the legitimate president.

    Many blacks and those with funny sounding names will think that the whole reason this became an issue is because a few pissed off racists couldn't stand that a black man was President. They will see that when a black man becomes President, suddenly white people will find any reason to remove him from office to continue the white power structure in this country. It will set race relations back decades. It might start riots.

    It might divide the country so bad that we end up in another Civil War. The Brithers who would rather see the country destroyed than to have it run by a black man, and those on the other side that mostly support Obama as a way to stick it to the white man will take up arms quickly. I would think that both of those contingents are already well armed and just looking for a reason to start shooting each other. Removing Obama from office will be the spark that they are looking for.

    So, even if on some small technicality he may not have been a citizen at the time of his birth, even though those laws have been changed and his citizenship has never been questioned before, if he gets kicked out of office for it, it will be more damaging to the country than just letting him serve out his term.

    So is it worth destroying the country and setting all kinds of bad precedents just to protect the Constitution from a black President?

    Giving you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you are just sorely misguided or choosing your battles poorly and not doing it just because you are a rightwing loon ideologue or a flat out racist. Don't you think there are better ways you could spend your energy than trying to get Obama kicked out of office.

    Like maybe working to get someone else elected next time, so then in 3 years this won't be an issue at all because he will be replaced by a legitimate, white, never been to another Country, ludite like you probably think the founding fathers intended to be President...

  15. A pleasant thought, isn't it? :smoking:

  16. List of African-American Republicans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    so how do you explain this?

    i could call all democrats marxists but i understand that it is this name calling with no actuall evidence that fucked this country over, it's time for you to be part of the solution not the problem.

    and if you could please point out a couple examples of racist legislation from the republican party.

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