why do people seem to giv me shit for hanging out with my cousin?

Discussion in 'General' started by jimboob, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. me and my brother usually go over my cousins house everyday over the summer, its like our second home. recently me and my cousin whos the same age as me, got kinda close and we hang out alot now. like i hang out with him most of the time, and then i hang out with my friends once in a while. i don't have that many close friends, my cousin fills in for that. but recently i had a kid say "man u hang out with ur cousin too much" and my friends mom say "why does ___ hang out with his cousin so much?".

    now the kid that said that i hang out with my cousin too much has no relationship with his familly whatsoever. its actually really weird. he's shy in front of his own mom, so maybe thats why he thinks its strange that my cousin is my closest freind besides my brother.

    wtf is the big deal? i have other friends, not alot but enough. we do normal stuff its not like we hang out and play with legos...even tho that would be awsome legos are sick...but do any of you think that me chillin with my cousin more then my friends is weird?
  2. nah dude hang out with your cousin, it's cool. It's nice to get outside the family too, though, but you say you've got other friends too. I say you're set.
  3. No, it's just who you get along with the best. You hang around people you want to hang around with and who you have more fun with, whether that be your cousin, brother, non-related friend. Chill with him as much as you want, maybe bring out those awesome legos and k'nex.
  4. It sounds like they are the odd ones, being as they can't understand the concept of hanging out with the person who you have the most fun with.
  5. I've seen plenty of people who are close to their cousins and never once did anyone think it was odd.

    Hell, when I was in a band two of the other members were cousins and we were all best friends. That was quite a few years ago and they still hang out frequently.
  6. [​IMG]

    I'm joking theres nothing wrong with it at all man.
  7. Shit, I wish I could hang out with my cousin.

    Dude's practically like my brother, but he lives about 2000 miles away.
  8. my cousin was so lame. i didnt talk or hang out with him and my friends still gave me shit
  9. Not weird at all.
    I had friends who have hung out with their cousins since childhood, like they one cousin was over at their house more than he was at his own house.
    If your cousin is cool, seems fine to me.
  10. I used to be best friends with one of my cousins that was my age. Eventually kinda grew outta it in high school but its not weird as long as your not doing sexual shit haha.
  11. Maybe they are wondering why you are hanging out with that person if theres something strange about your cousin you dont see?
  12. lmao..no we're not doin sexual stuff. and most friends havent even seen my cousin, so its not like they dont like him.
  13. people just staring shit man

    fuck what they say, unless they have an actual point to prove that means something

    if i where u, i'd ask why they care so much

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