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Why Do People Say Weed Isnt Addicting?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Treerollington, May 23, 2013.

  1. You never heard of people not being able to eat or sleep after quitting? Thats a physical symptom, and weed is of course mentally addicting, im sorry but I see stoners spew this not addictive at crap all the time and it doesnt help legalization. 

  2. Because people are uneducated. Cannabis can control your life if you let it. 
  3. If you really believe Cannabis is addictive then why do you use it?
  4. it's not addicting like tobacco is. You do not experience withdrawal symptoms. You can however become dependent on it, whereas you need it to eat or sleep. its kind of like if you take Benadryl every night to sleep you don't become addicted to it but its WAY FUCKING HARD to sleep with out it? make since?
  5. Its addicting if you let it be. When i was younger i wasnt addicted. Now i am though. I blow like an 8th a day. 2 grams if im really broke. Plus i usually get hash. But thats just because ive been depressed. It helps me to numb my feelings. But that only works for so long till tolerance fucks u. Im quittinh tomorro
  6. Addiction and dependency are two separate things. Addiction is scientific, it has to do with the chemistry of our body and not necessarily our mental state. You quit weed, things are more boring and you may have trouble sleeping and finding appetite. It's mental. With mildly addicting drugs such as caffeine, you experience headaches. Physical. Heavy stuff like alcohol and heroin can literally kill you from withdrawal. 
  7. i prefer the term habit forming, rather than addictive. people can be 'addicted' to anything, eg. teenage girls and texting but be real its just a habit they've grown into. 
    it can enter into the realm of addiction if your smoking say with bronchitis and the pain is fucking terrible, but you ignore the self-harm because you NEED it. 
  8. I like this, I don't neceassarily think it's addicting. But it can certainly turn into a bad habit if you have little to no willpower. 
    But if that's the case and you seriously have that little will power then you shouldn't be getting high on anything, not even weed.
  9. if your a very weak willed/minded person, I could see it being addicting
  10. i dont anymore, but something being addicted isnt a good reason not to use it, anything can eb addictive, im just saying people always claim weed isnt addictive when arguing for legalization when its not true, I think we should stick to the facts..
  11. Because it's not physically addictive. Sure you may be a little irritable, have some trouble sleeping, etc. but it hails in comparison to nearly every other drug including caffeine. Mentally addicting, yes. Anything can be mentally addictive though.
  12. #12 Grand Daddy Purple, May 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2013
    Exactly. Food is addicting, almost anyting can become addicting if you rely on it for everyday situations. Not being able to eat or sleep? You have a problem if you can't eat or sleep after coming off you're high. I eat and sleep just fine without my marijuana. It's just easier to sleep, and food is more delicious while you're on it, that doesn't mean you experience withdrawl symptoms, because you can eat or sleep after you're off of it, it's just not as enjoyable.
    That's like E, if you take E and have sex, then when you're off it, sex isn't as good as when you were on it, but does that stop you from having sex? Of course not, and you don't need E to enjoy sex either. 
    If you think having a decreased appetite and not being able to pass out real quickly is a physical withdrawl, then you need to see people on meth and heroine. A physical withdrawl is when you get sick from not having it in you're system, and the only way for you to feel better is to use again. Marijuana is nothing like that.
  13. Everything is in your mind. I can stop weed whenever i want , but i don't want to :D
  14. You're just... Wrong. Idk how else to put if haha but you obviously have no idea what the real meaning on addiction is, and are certainly misinterpreting the context it's used in!
    People mean that it's not physically addictive, literally ANYTHING can be just plain "addictive", but physical addiction is a actual treatable condition, recognized by doctors as an illness and not being able to sleep cuz you're out of pot doesn't count
  15. I don't think it's physically addictive the way alcohol and tobacco are. I think it's more psychologically addictive -the way love is! ;)
    It'll make it hard to sleep, for sure, but that's because you're coming off of something that helps you pass out quickly, so of course you're not going to just pass out when you don't have that in you're system.
    It's not like you come off of it and you won't be able to go to sleep until you get back on it, it's not like you're going to be up for four days straight without it. You might fall asleep a couple hours later than usual, but you'll get used to it, and the second or third day you're off of it, you'll sleep just fine.
  17. If I don't do my daily cardio it takes me longer to get to sleep. So am I an addict? No, my body's sleep cycle is just different when I don't exercise.
  18. Compare to the show "my strange addiction", I say that you're fine. 
    Exactly. Let's say you go to school, let's just say you do, and you go to bed everynight at 8pm, and wake up at 7am. You do this for a week, and when the weekend comes, you change up and stay up until 11pm, and wake up at 10am, but when the week comes back around, you will find that, since you changed up you're sleep cycle, it's harder to go to sleep at 8pm, because you're used to staying up until 11. 
    Same thing with Marijuana.
  20. "well you can abuse burgers too! you dont see me going around closing all the Burger King's because you can abuse something... What, if I got a fork and jammed it in my eye, should we outlaw those too? LETS NERF THE WORLD." - The Union 
    Kinda relates but not really, don cur. 

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