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Why do people quit?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by KevinPrince27, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. Im curious as to why people quit smoking?

    Speaking personally, all i've had since starting a year ago is positives. My headaches are gone, i can sleep better, im happier, less bored, stopped getting angry about stuff or caring about pointless rubbish etc and i can think clearer (most of the time)

    So i personally don't understand, what sort of things occur that make people want to quit?
  2. Maybe The same thing that made them want to start; trying something different
  3. Possible cost issues. Maybe they just can't find any good bud?
  4. it gets old to some people. work reasons. life choices. kids. bills.

    lots of reasons...
  5. i cant get a fucking job...thats a good one i think
  6. maybe weed is making them paranoid, maybe they sit on their ass all day smoking weed and want something better. A lot of reasons to quit, depending on your circumstances :) personally, i have no reason at all to quit as of this moment right now, but if smoking starts to have more negatives than positives them im done with it
  7. weed can make you less productive
  8. I quit because my wife left with my kids, lost my job and now on the verge of being homeless so yes people quit

  9. dam i hope you rebound
  10. Because of your smoking habit?
  11. Yes my wife said she doesn't want our kids turning out like me and a few months ago I had a drug test because they expected me of blazing before work
  12. That's very unfortunate. Did they fire you?
  13. Yeah I did but I understand my wife's concern as I am also a daily smoker of an un mention able substance :/ in which I'm working on quitting
  14. socioeconomic pressures to have a job, most employers test for drugs in all the employees except the executives, who are allowed to drink on the job, have all sorts of incidents of overdoses, rehabs for drug abuse, and yet, they keep on getting by without taking drug test, same as politicians that demand it of all others, 'do as they say, not as they do' is the mantra of the elite.

    unless you're born into money, or maybe an executive, or even a politician, you will find it hard to get a 'good' job and get a few steps up the economic ladder without proving you have not committed a crime, YOU have to prove it with a drug test or they won't hire/retain you. No warrants, no courts, no judge, only the insurance corps and your drunken drugged up executives demanding you prove you are not a criminal (drugs are illegal, using them illegal...)


    fuck the wiz quiz crap...pass it, then tell them you quit

  15. oh heaven forbid they turn out like her, a two faced opportunistic <bleep> that jumps ship instead of working as a family unit to overcome a temp problem...

    she sounds like she used your ass for her own food and shelter, no concern about you or the family unit what so ever... you'll be better off.:wave:

  16. Maybe better off without her but now I will only be able to see my kids a few days each month
  17. well personally I'm going to join the Air Force and they drug test often so that's the reason why I'll have to stop

  18. got some factoid reference for such a statement....something to back it up other then the stench of it being plucked from your butt...a real study to prove that crap?:rolleyes:

  19. modern times.

    men can get custody these day...

    If she can't provide a safe stable home, then petition the courts and take custody.:wave:
  20. n

    Her house is safe and stable its just that it's a 2 day drive there and I don't even have my license so it's hard

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