Why do my plants look burnt

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Salfal, Aug 15, 2017.

  1. [​IMG][​IMG]

    Why do the tips of the leaves look burnt ?? What does it mean and what can I do to help it

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  2. You don't just have problems at the tips - it appears to be effecting other parts of the leaves as well. What pH do you feed with and what's the pH of the run off?
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  3. More information is needed. The problem seems to be affecting other areas as well. What kind of lighting conditions do you grow it in? (both at day and night) Additionally, what is the pH of the water and soil? You need to specify the nutrients you are providing to the plant as well.
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  4. The temperate is around 80-90 rh 60-70% the ph should be a solid 7 it's tap water in my city I'm using fox farms trio and I'm doing the feeding schedule. I'm using two led lights one 300 one 450 for three plants total. Only two plants have that burning look on them however the one that isn't burnt is a week younger

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