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why do my firecrackers never work?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smoke or die, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I have tried many times, and wasted grams upon grams of weed trying to make these fuckers. I have made them at least 5 times and they never work. Heres how i make them normally: i used ritz crackers because i had no grayhams. I then spreaded peter pan creamy peanut butter over them. I put a gram of some dank of each once and a gram of mids on each the other times. One times i even tried pouring a little vegetable oil on top the peanut butter because i heard you need oils to absorb thc. Then i put another cracker on top of that. rap them in tin foil and stick em in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. I have never goten the slightest buzz off eating these. I really want that "intense edible high" everyone talks about. Any tips?
  2. use natural peanut butter or organic peanut butter i forgot which 1 cuz it has more fat contents. then pout a shit load of any oil with alot of fat (vegetable oil i think or olive oil) and then make it with your gram of dank. and do the rest of what you said. then tell me how u feel :eek:
  3. Don't cook them in the oven. Make them, wrap them in some wax paper and leave them be for like a week or a little more. Believe me, you'll definitely get blown that way. Good luck :wave:

  4. Or instead of planning your highs a week in advance, you could get peanut butter with more fat in it and make firecrackers in like half an hour.

  5. Regardless of the fat, the maximum amount of THC is less when baked than when allowed to be naturally absorbed. But whatever floats your boat.

  6. Yeah but I'm fairly sure that an unnoticeable amount of THC is worth losing compared to having to wait a week.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I've already set aside a few fire crackers to try out your method, but it's just not very timely.

  7. Of course. I don't really rely on edibles and I don't see a need to have them readily available. I've tried both methods and I prefer the longer one. Now if I wanted to have a quick bite, then I would bake them. Otherwise, patience is a virtue.
  8. Ive done the same a few times and they came out fine. A little burnt but they gave me the most intense head high with no body high what-so-ever.
  9. iv done it once with skippy peanut butter didnt work that well i got a barely noticable buzz.

    what temperature are you setting it at? organic peanut butter or nutella is best. and i heard like 22 minutes at 320 is the best way. and crumple your weed into dust before you spread it on. cooking oil i heard helps to just be sure to read the fat content of it cuz monosaturated fats dont work as well as iv heard. and another thing is preheat in microwave without the tinfoil of course at 7 power for 15 seconds.

    best of luck to you i feel like trying this again.
  10. make brownies :) mmmmm brownies
  11. tips;

    1. MIX the peanut butter and weed separately THEN spread it on the crackers
    2. I cook my edibles at 350 degrees for 28 minutes
    3. eat on an empty stomach (takes around 2 hours to really kick in)
    4. if you have the resources (read; lots of weed) then make two edibles. eat one, wait an hour, eat another.
    5. you really want to use the peanut butter with the most fat. try a different brand of peanut butter next time?

  12. I'm not saying this won't work, because I've never tried it. But how could this work if the THC was never heated?:confused:

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