why Do Guys Keep Putting Me In The Girlfriendzone? / Friendzone Inverse

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Zeddy, May 23, 2013.

  1. Whenever I see people like "oh I can't be around someone who rejects me or isn't attracted to me", I roll my eyes so far back that I see my brain. I mean really, how shallow and stuck-up are you that if a person doesn't want to be more than friends you think oh well fuck you completely? I've had this happen to me only once, and even then I was like "wtf this doesn't make sense." Nobody owes anybody a relationship, and if you want to be a little bitch because that person doesn't want to take it that far with you then fine go cry about it. But honestly it just makes me think that some people are so far up their own asses that they make it a career to set stupid friendship/relationship laws.
    Guy's talk about always being friendzoned and hating it, yet they can't seem to see that girls aren't things that are owe them anything, same goes for girls who assume they are in a relationship with a guy because they like them. 
    To everyone who believes in this friendzoning bullshit: Get a life, get a grip and get over it!

    Once again, speak for yourself. 
  3. #23 weed aficionado, May 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2013
    heres my $.02: when i was in high school i fell for one of my girl friends. we would hang out, joke around and yada yada. so i developed very srong feelings for her, i couldnt sleep or anything because she was always on my mind. so i communicate my feelings to her, and she rejects me with the youre just a friend shit. i tried to regain her as a friend, i loved her so much that the idea of not having her in my life killed me, but it remained awkward, things justg werent the same after this. and i couldnt handle it. i did a lot of unmentionables because of her, and now this thread shows up. this girl taught me that if you try to remain friends with girls you had crushes on, it is destined to fail. i cant speak for the guys that quit talking to you, but i quit talking to her because if she remained in my life, i felt it would drive me to insanity. so theres that :smoking:
    Once again, get over yourself.
  5. this
  6. #26 goneforever, May 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2013
    My best friend and I go back and fourth between just friends and then two people who want each other. Our friendship stays the same between the cycles. I don't know why it's like that, I guess it's just how we are. I don't get why other people can't do it if one was to not be interested?! Pretty damn easy for us to act like nothing ever happened, or we're both dumb as hell, whatever. [: it works.
  7. #27 LordOfTheNugs, May 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2013
    I think a woman might do that because she's just not sure about the guy yet which is understandable.

    When you reject a guy and "just friend" him then he won't want to do it because he likes you and couldn't handle hanging around you knowing your not interested, its a painful waste of his time, he could spend that time and energy to find someone who actually wants him. Thats not to mention that he will have to just hang around like a tool while you get hit on by other guys.

    If he were to keep going to party's/clubs with her then he's forced to stand by and watch while she finds someone else.

    A lot of the time the relationship fails because after that it becomes awkward.
    im a nice guy as well..
    If your a nice pretty girl, im going to like you. I do NOT want to be friends with girls I am attracted to.. do you blame me?? damn.
  9. #29 Digital Veil, May 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2013
    haha Earth and I like my male friends however women tend to have an edge of over them. I will use my dealers as an example. Most of my dealers have been female. They have never tried to cheat me,they are punctual, and there is no run around. However, I have tried to buy from a few guys and every time they failed to get back to me. 
    Seriously if women are comfortable around,you are honest with them, and you look out for them they are golden. I am not saying there are not exceptions but I am saying in general I prefer to do business with women. Also they are incredible wingmen. I have one friend who is attractive,outgoing, and flirty. 3 out of the 4 last times I have gone out with her I had a girl approach me that doesn't happen often. 

    What I meant by that statement is that instead of being a whiney bitch about how girls and boys just can't be just friends, you should let go of your own ego and realize that person didn't owe you anything so you can't be mad. When people get mad at shit like this it's because they felt they were cheated/tricked into something that was never guaranteed. 
    Instead of holding onto gender roles to determine how a relationship could go, you could just be a person and realize you are just up your own ass. Yeah you don't have to be friends with that person if you don't want to, but if you choose to break contact because of that sole reason of them rejecting you instead of them being a bad person, then you are indeed a little bitch who should go back to dating school and get it right.
  12. It's probably kharma. There is a fine line between just hanging out as friends, and hanging out to advance in a romantic/sexual relationship. I bet she has crossed that line many times and knows damn well. But just has to be a typical female and blame the guys. Because we all know a women can never be in the wrong and a guy can never be in the right.
  13. Get what your saying about guys only wanting you as a girlfriend then a friend makes sense I'm a Guy an the only reason I don't hit an ask out the few girls who are my friends is because I've seen it blow up in my friends faces. Plus even if I do meet some new chick to hang out with can't really say they see me that way unless I do something amazing

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  14. I've always had it the opposite way. I catch feelings for a girl, she doesn't return them, I accept it and want to be friends and she ignores me, not the other way around.
  15. #35 Deleted member 42976, May 24, 2013
    Last edited: May 24, 2013
    If you had such a great time with the guy what did you have to lose by giving him a chance? That's the thing I don't get about women. They'll be friends with a great guy but as soon as he wants to take it to the next step they'll shoot him down. Yet, they're quick to run into the arms of some jerk who probably only sees them as a sex object. Guess it's true that women are all about looks and money, not guys who are willing to be there for them. Whatever though as far as I see it they get what they deserve for only putting themselves out their to the womanizing idiots.
    Like others have said it's hard for us guys to continue a friend ship that was going well once we try to take it to the next level and fail. I've stayed friend with girls after being put in the friend zone and it just becomes awkward and makes me depressed. Noticeably depressed to the point they'll notice and ask whats wrong but i just brush it off as nothing because women don't understand.
  16. Because girls are idiots!
  17. I think men are quick to point out women have tendency to chase the same kind of douchy guys but fail to realize maybe you are chasing after women that only want douchy guys and are not giving the girls that like you a chance. It is a two way street. Also the "friend zone" stuff drives me nuts most of the guys I see post that stuff on Facebook tend to be very needy,clingy, and overly emotional. 
  18. Only when girls realize that a healthy relatioionship functions like a best friendship will the good guys ever stand a chance! When a guy is trying to be friendly just for a chance at sex then they are a total douche and deserve to have the whole thing blow up in their face; and it is better that they disapear after being denied. But if you totally deny a guy at first and he decides to stay best friends through all the bull shit GIVE HIM A CHANCE! That is a good relationship quality but sadly the guys like me who are willing to work with girls (or guys, I am bi, don't like it? fuck off!) and treat them as equals in a relationship always get denied; the girl moves on to a douche bag, girl complains to you about douche bag, and you are stuck being unwillingly single watching the girl you care about get treated like shit.
    To the OP you sound rather heartless! Now I understand that the guy was one of the ones who disapeared and whatnot, but it seems as if no guy stands a chance as soon as they try and be friends with you.... That is backwards, how will you know who is datable if you don't even know if you can be friends??? Of course relationships these days are fucking stupid and centered on sex for some damn reason so idk, I hate this world...
  19. Idk, if she does things like make out with you, sleep with you in your bed and cuddle, and rub your dick sometimes, youd think the girl was into you.
    When this girl eventually was a dead end romantically I cut off all ties and havent looked back since. Sure, she didn't own me a relationship, but the way she treated me and vice versa was an investment on my part. An investment that turned out to be worthless in retrospect.
    I'm sorry but the only person in this thread that needs their ego in check is this poster, saying your a whiny bitch because you don't wanna be around somebody that hurt you because your a man is feminist to a stupid degree, i've seen the way you post when its the other way around and its a different story, "Get over yourself" What does that even mean?

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