why do conservative ideals exists?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ducky420, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. All day I hear people talking about conservative ideals and small town ideology.

    However, all of these ideals consist of taking away peoples rights. Why?

    No pot, no birth control, no free speech, no piercings, no long hair, no gays...

    Why? Really?

    Is live and let live such a disgraceful idea? Does tolerance really go against god?

  2. Those are religious ideals basically. Republicans are just the more religious party in this day and age.
  3. it's always been their mission to make political and religious ideals the same.
  4. true conservative ideas are about states rights and small government. I think you have conservatism and "neo conservatism" confused.

    is there some law against long hair and being gay that i am unaware of?
    Do you think a conservative president will really outlaw birth control? I doubt the pharmaceutical lobby would ever allow that.

    Please don't confuse GW Bush and John McCain with actual conservatives.
    that's like thinking Obama is an actual Democrat

  5. Nope just the most liberal senator in the senate.

    god save us from a filibuster free liberal super majority that includes Reid and Pelosi with Obama running the show.
  6. No, actually the democrats used to be the conservative party and the Republicans were the new liberal party.

    Then the democrats got some new ideas about redistributing wealth and became the fan of the 'working' class and it just so happens the working class has changed there own ideologies over time.

    At one time it was democrats that were the war mongering religious crowd.
  7. dude, there IS a law against being gay. many of them in fact. Constitutional amendments, even! and there aren't laws against long hair, but if you don't dress and look like a straight conservative white man good luck getting a job.

    Birth control will not be outlawed, but in many areas it is ILLEGAL tell students anything about it except that it doesn't work and gives you cancer and AIDS. For a good example, see Lubbock, TX, however there are many, many other places like that, like my hometown (that I won't write on a site about using MJ)
  8. Some people are only happy ruining somebody else's good time because they lack the ability to reach or achieve joy themselves

    "o shit, they are happy and they arent living the same life as me? how can we fuck that up?"
  9. Most of the conservatives I meet (socially speaking) are afraid of things that do not align with their religious values, or the historic values of their family. They're usually the type of people who say the city is "scary", and while they would never actually admit being racists or homophobes, minorities and gays often make them visibly uncomfortable.

    They're often reluctant to experiment with new cultures, people, art, drugs, and even food. I would say conservative ideals are rooted in fear and ignorance of the unknown. It is a social philosophy that allows one to safely discriminate (to varying degrees) against those people and things that are different.

    Conservatives are afraid. Would you rather live your life conservatively or liberally?

  10. These claims are no good without sources...

    so please I am waiting.
  11. I think if you go into a job interview with a straight democat white man you would find out with the long hair and peircings you got just as much chance to get the job.

    cut the hair loss the piercings and become a preductive member of society.
  12. you can google it if you don't believe me, I don't have time and this isn't a serious political discussion. my time investment wouldn't really convince you of anything that goes against your personal set in beliefs.

    But if you picked up a newspaper every now and then you would know about the state and city level legislation against contraceptive education, seeing as how it was a major issue before we all started bitching about iraq.
  13. #13 ducky420, Oct 18, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2008
    you can get down on your knees and suck my dick for telling me how to look and act. I'm a fucking American goddammit!

    You can chill with this shit because it doesn't float here. *RMJL

  14. You know my beliefs on contraception and birth control? huh....

    This country is not going to turn into a theocracy. Especially after the next election. So don't worry your "fear" won't come true. Our government will the most liberal it's ever been.
  15. Exactly! It's a form of escapism, people fear change and things that are different.

    Being close minded is taking the easy way out.
  16. I didn't tell you how to act, and you giving me that kind response shows me why you can't get a job.

    I only told you the obvious.

    Even fucking Americans got to act presentable.
  17. #17 Norma Stits, Oct 18, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
    dude it isn't illegal to be gay man.. lol

    so you're telling me that if you dress up looking like shit at a job interview, that a democrat will hire you and a republican/conservative wont?

    edit: looking at the thread title, are you suggesting there should only be one set of ideals in the world?

  18. ROFL.... spoken like someone who is not financially independent.
  19. [​IMG]

  20. Every true conservative acts the same way around me too, that Ive met.

    Why are they so "scary" and so uncomfortable?

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