Why do chillums fuck me?

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by haz155, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. so every time I consume a reasonable amount of herb in my chillum it makes me like twice as high as a pipe/joint would.

    any thoughts? :smoke:
  2. Because its straight to tha motha fuckin DOME.
  3. because.......you stick it up your bum??:confused_2:
  4. Yeah .. I was wondering , do you buy them flowers or talk sweet to them?
  5. Haha ywa u shoulda said why do they fuck me up.

    Dont rape the glassware...
  6. It's mostly in your head man. At this point it's probably a conditioned effect.
  7. just be glad its a chillum fucking you and not a 2ft bong
  8. :smoke:^this^:wave:

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