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Why Do Americans? Part 2

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by weedboss, Jun 29, 2003.

  1. HaHa. Its all about metabolism for me at least, I'm 6 foot and weigh 140-145 on average. Sounds like a twig but not really, I can do 50 pushups straight. But anyway, for most people its because resteraunts just serve so much food. Me and my girlfriend went out to chinese the other night and shit, we split a meal and ate like 1/7 of what they served us.
  2. i wish a 20 oz steak and all that food was $5!
  3. all this food talk is making me really fuckin hungry. also, americans are stupid and eat whatever and worry about the consequences later. i cant talk because i eat like a pig. i weight about 138 and... well im skinny. so i can eat whatever i want. i know ill be fat when i get older if i dont cut back though.
  4. Alot of times ill eat three-four times a week. I wouldnt consider that "so much".

  5. You've never been to an Italian family's house for dinner if you think that's true. LOLOL!

    I'm not fat... 6' Even, 175lbs... But I can eat more than people who are 300+ lbs when I'm hungry.

    I have a naturally high metabolism, and I'm also very active - So I have to eat a lot. No calories = No energy.
  6. I might be wrong here- I live in England and have only visited America on a few occasions- but from what I've seen it's not that everyone in America is fat (far from it) but that the people who are have so much more scope to become larger. There are many more buffets over there and in some of your bigger cities (one prime example being the cities we visited in Florida) it's practically impossible to be a pedestrian.
  7. It's actually easier to be a pedestrian in a big city here. You can walk anywhere you need to go really... Or take the subways if something's really far.

    And yes... There are way too many fat Americans. We're the most obese nation on earth. That's because people here are really lazy and stupid. Just spend any amount of time in a Wal-Mart and you'll see what I'm talking about.

  8. LMAO! Yesterday I was in walmart and saw two ladies, (one looked about 24ish, the other, I suppose was her mother) both were huge, and using the little electric cart to haul their fat ass's around. How lazy can you be!?!

    ..and how is this considered socialy acceptable, yet I still get the evil eye from people when I run down aisles jump on the back wheels of the cart and coast along?

  9. man... id be pissed if i was an employee there and i had to get some electric carts for thier fat ass.
  10. We don't have to get the carts for the people... They're kept in the front of the store and they get 'em them selves... We just have to put them back.

    People are so lazy though that they'll grab a cart just to carry their purse around. Or maybe you've seen where they lean on the cart and use it to support their weight when they're perfectly capable of walking on their own...

    I hate how lazy society is becomming :(
  11. :rolleyes:
  12. lol....cuz im fuckin high thats why.....duh..
  13. not all americans are like that,I admit we are the fattest nation but there are exceptions. for example, I'm a vegan and weigh 96 lbs. (um I think that's like 7 stone in UK?)
  14. of course americans eat alot. and you know why, because they can, thats why. also, all those damn ads aimed at our kids, thats fucked up. "hey kids, grow up to get diabetes and be obese"
    oh well, what to do
  15. haha im just curious as to why it took you 2 years to come up with that??

    think someone said yesterday you should be called summats to do with bringing back old posts???
  16. cant say fairer than that my friend ... wheres that thread about the hard spellings?? fairer has gotta be in there
  17. better off fat and full in america, then skinny and starving!! :D

    p.s. bein an american has its ups too...i hear people in europe have to watch and see how long they take there showers...they probably finish there shower after mines just at the right temperature!! haha! blaze on peeps. :smoke:

  18. vergin on anorexic there? hodl old r ya..
  19. never heard of that.. i always leave the shower running for ten mins before i get in it...
  20. u obviously havnt seen the nathans hot dog eating contest, the japanese rape us at eating...but thats besides the point. we do eat alot, i mean i like eating, and with the taco bell $1 menu, im always FULL! ,lol.

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