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Why can't we get silly?!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by robotman, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. My GF and I are new to pot but enjoying the experience so far. (Well, except for one time when I ate a 4 dose brownie and couldn't function for 2 days...yikes) We got a DBV and love it. We seem to get a different experience everytime we use it tho. From a light buzz to being totally couch-locked for a couple hours.

    We had a couple random questions:

    1) Within a 1/8 bag of pot do the buds differ in quality? We have such a different experience each time it seems strange. Is it normal that some buds may not do much and other ones knock u out in the same bag? Does bud size matter?

    2) We have tried about 5 types now. We're in CA and understand have some of the most potent varieties. We want to find something that will make us laugh and be creative but everything just seems to slow time down and stone us (which is nice in it's own right if done at bedtime). I read about how Sativa is more cerebral and wakes you up and makes you silly which is what we'd like to try. We've tried "headband" which is supposed to be mostly Sativa, but we don't notice any difference. Is pot these days just too THC potent to get the old time goofs? Would buying a "mid grade" variey actually maybe be better since the THC is lower? Pot seems so heavy...

    3) Before we got the vape, we understood that there would be no flavor or taste, but we still get a strong taste when using it. Sometimes the smell of weed and it vaped is a bit nauseating. Is there someway totally get rid of the taste like suck it through a water chamber?

    Thanks for the tips!
  2. yea man sativa bro
  3. Within an 8th, if you have the tip of a fat nug, compared to some little popcorn nug, the tip of the kola will most likely get you higher than the rest of the stash.
  4. You might be setting the temperature on your vape incorrectly, do you use the same temp every time? If its too high it will burn the weed, defeating the purpose of the vape and if its too low nothing will happen. Inside one bag all the herb should be the same.

    It can depend on your frame of mind when you blaze what kind of high you will experience. If your tired and just want to relax you'll probably get a more couch-lockey type feeling, and if your happy and excited you will probably feel a little bit more "silly". Those are just a few examples but you get the gist of it.

    When you guys are smoking are you just sitting there expecting to laugh? watch some funny TV shows or movies if you aren't already.

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