Why can't I get a fucking girlfriend?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by too legit n lit, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. Not that hard at all. Just do shit and don't be afraid to get shot down, since it will happen. The better you deal with it, the quicker you'll learn how to go about getting some steady poonany, hopefully attached to a respectable fox.
  2. yea for sure. rejection is just another way of learning how to move on. good for the body and soul.
  3. just try to exploit your qualities in front of women without makin it obvious and being big headed. even a 6 pack will make women want you more. i have tattoos and women love them? i dunno just keep tryin dude
  4. fuck blowjobs, gemme that pussyy
  5. my friends tell me when i least expect it someone will come along and because i'm searching for someone its making me feel even lonelier.

    maybe thats it?
  6. If we were to wind back the clock a few (okay, more than a few) years that post would be pretty much me.

    If you're just looking to hang out with girls and sometimes get laid... you're doing alright. If you're looking for a relationship it actually works backwards for some reason.

    Skip the trying to figure out how to make that work. It's one of those things that gets harder to do the more you try. Rather, work on just building a lifestyle that you're happy with. What if you never have a girlfriend, never get married, etc? Would you sit around and mope or would you get out there and live a happy, single life?

    Once you learn how to be happy without anyone else not only will you be better able to be happy with someone else, but you'll also be more attractive to them. Remember the whole "too nice" thing? People don't care much about the approval of people that give it freely. It's the people that are difficult to get approval from that people crave it from most.

    The less you need a girl to want you the more they want you to need them to want you. You can fake that, but it won't last.

    When you find the key to being content whether anyone else in the world wants to spend their life with you, you no longer require anyone else's validation to be happy. And in doing that you make your validation of them far more desirable because they can't simply bargain for it with their validation of you.

    People want other people to approve of them, to like them. The whole "I'll be your friend if you'll be my friend" thing. People who'll be your friend even if you're not nice to them... they're pathetic, right? (That's the popular opinion - I'm not saying they necessarily are.) But the point is that when they're so desperate to be your friend that they'll do it even if you're not their friend it isn't compelling to be their friend.

    It's the people that don't need to be your friend, that are complete and whole on their own without your approval or disapproval, that are magnetically attractive. You want them to like you because they can't be bought with your approval, which means that if they approve of you it's honest, not bribed.

    Too many relationships exist simply because neither person is brave enough to risk being single again. But when you're with someone that doesn't fear single life you know they're with you for you, and not out of fear.

    So that's my advice. Learn to be happy alone and you learn to make your approval invaluable.
  7. Michigan state eh? we should smoke it up! I live in Livonia :hello:
  8. you seem like one of those kids who just does shit cuz you think its cool cuz you look at other people doing it and getting girls and you think it must work for you..you probly started working out cuz you were like fuck maybe if i get jacked girls will think i am cool..and then your probly like fuck maybe if i join a frat i'll be cool and get pussy all the time...

    you are in college, you say you party alot, how hard could be, wat are you gay or something...

    that sounds kinda dick..but no you'll be fine man
  9. ive been working right out of high school
    if i was going to college i would talk to girls
    left and right for sure.

    lawls i get shit from moms at work haha
  10. Either you're not trying hard enough or you're trying too hard. Work it out for yourself.
  11. Honestly it sounds like you are defeating yourself. It is all psychological. You need to have higher self esteem and confidence. DHV. Demonstration of High Value. There is a great e-book called How to Become an Alpha Male. Not only did I benefit from a lot of the help and tips in this book, but it made me a stronger person overall.

    After reading through this book and practicing the tips and consciously aiming to be an alpha male at all times, I realized that girls were talking to ME, girls were initiating the conversation, and hitting on me, and just overall the attitude of girls towards me was totally different. It wasn't an overnight thing obviously, but it was well worth learning some simple pyschological traits that you can learn and keep with you through all aspects of life.
  12. You are in college. Get some practice, you do not need a girlfriend right now.

  13. Ha for sure man. Come to State anytime.

    To everyone else,

    Thanks for the advice and shit. I just gotta be myself ha. Its no big deal now, i posted this when i was high as fuck. Now i realized shit is easy, just gotta let things work themselves out.

  14. this. Being more than a beta male helps having genuine confidence in yourself as opposed to a false sense of confidence that one usually tends to give to oneself.
  15. [​IMG]

    Anyone else find this shit funny?
  16. I'm much more of an alpha male when I don't smoke marijuana ;/

    when I smoke I stop giving a shit ;P

  17. lol ever had a full on convo with a chic and everything you say is freakin on point? then you smoke.. then everything fails. and you start actin like a lil bitch and not as clevar..
  18. when i smoke i seem to get hilarious and crack some good fucking jokes. i am also smoother if that is possible. But usually I am wasted anyways.

    Cheers to 12 credits this semester, being ahead of schedule to graduate and state ha.

    and yes, this thread is an LOL matter.

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