Why bad things happen to good people

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by blooms, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. I do not believe in Jesus. I simply believe in a Creator of all things. When I refer to God as "He" it is simply for convenience, because a God with a gender is simply, in plain English.... dumb.

    For me, belief in a Creator is the only logical explanation for everything (and I mean everything.) This could be said to be ontological, but what isn't?

    Now let me being.
    I am Jewish. Over the past few weeks it has dawned on me that the notion that good things happen to good people as promised in the Bible is harshly inaccurate. However, after much thinking I have concluded an answer that at least to myself is somewhat adequate enough to put some peace into my mind.
    Let me begin with a story. In the Book of Job, there lived a very rich yet still righteous man named Job. One day, God decided to test Job and perpetrated many horrible acts on him to see is he would remain righteous at the face of losing everything he had (family, house, health). His friends told him that since he was clearly being punished it was because must have committed some kind of sin. Job wished and screamed out to die, however all the while he remained confident that he was innocent. In the end, Job wished to testify against God for his innocence. To many people and even to my surprise, God answered Job and replied that pretty much he's God and you don't question him because He was the one to be there for all of time, to create the world, and to design all the complexities of life. So in short, don't attempt to understand all He knows. In life good things may happen to bad people and bad things may happen to good people. The game of life is not so simple that if your good it means you get good things. Because if that were true it would get too easy and the idea of being righteous would become superficial and meaningless if being righteous meant only to get physically rewarded all the time. To be righteous you literally need to be righteous and not expect to get anything in return. Unfortunately, Job experienced one of the harsh truths about the Nature of the Universe. With all good, there is bad. For every low point in life, there will always be another high. The balance in life is what makes it interesting (better in some cases, yet of course bad in others). It is something we as existing being have to be grateful for but at the same time fearful. I am not claiming to know everything, I am doing some soul-searching myself. Yet, this is what I have deemed to be most believable for the existence of life, morals, and everything else. As they say seek balance in life. Balance is the nature of everything. Without balance, life would mean nothing.

    It is both fortunate and unfortunate.
    Thanks for reading.
  2. why didn't god just not create bad things? or such bad things? keep it average so people don't have to suffer through small pox or living under occupation. the range of happiness appears much shorter than the range of negativity. When is a kid born in the Gaza strip going to learn righteousness?
  3. Because you touch yourself at night...

    I'm sorry I didn't take your question more seriously :( It just seemed like the perfect opportunity to say it.. :confused_2:
  4. Well if you believe in religion, if you dont believe in science and randomness controlling the universe, then you have to have bad with the good.
    There has to be darkness to the light, the negative to the positive.
    One persons good luck may be anothers misfortune.
  5. One man's good is another man's bad - whose to say what's being experienced is truly one or the other?

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