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Why aren't i getting high!?!?!?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by anonEmous, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Okay, heres the thing, i have been smoking weed with some mates about 3 times and i have had more weed than them and not felt anything, the last time i did [earlier on today] i felt a bit slow and lazy and laughing more but my eyes didn't go red, and it wasn't anything like they were...
    I don't understand? Is that really me high? If it is why spend so much money on weed, it really wasn't that good...
    We were using a pipe and had some bud
    I was inhaling properly and nothing
    Im about 5"9 and 220 pounds if that makes a difference
    I had about 6 tokes and held them in for long amounts of time, but when i blew out it didn't seem like the tokes were that big because i couldn't see the smoke very well...
    Please suggest thing i can do to make me high?
    Was i high?
  2. Sounds like you were starting to get it, but no you weren't high. Might have been weak weed, and your buddys might have had just like a placebo effect going on because they knew what it feels like to be high. Idk...might have just been taking smaller hits then you though you were.

    When smoking a pipe the way I do it is
    Light it
    Hold the carb(The small hole, if you didnt cover this that might be why it didnt work)
    Start inhaling and keep going tell you can feel it on the back of your throat
    stop inhaling/cover mouth piece of pipe with thumb
    take a deep breath of air
    Blow out smoke
    Let go of carb on pipe, then take another hit off the pipe to clear out the chamber
    Pass it :p

    Idk for me the first few times I also didnt get high, But then I got some weed by myself and just smoked by myself and got super blazed haha. Being relaxed helps alot. If your stressing out sometimes you dont even feel it at all.

    Also don't be afraid to take to big of a hit, if your a beginner smoker and your not coughing...your not doing it right :p Just have some water ready.
  3. If you weren't getting any smoke you either held it in long enough for it to kinda disappear, or i'm guessing you didnt light the bowl correctly. I never got high the first few times, but I got the hang of it my 3rd or so time.

    Just remember, when lighting the bowl, you want to be able to only hold the lighter to it for a couple seconds, after that the weed should make a cherry that will stay lit till you at least let go of the carb to clear it.
  4. #4 Prime8, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    What they said.

    Also a tip that helped me. I had trouble getting my first high as well and realised that it was mainly because I was breathing wrong.

    I started on a glass pipe and the instinct was to suck on it like a straw. It took me a while because I was doing it subconsciously but I realised that I wasn't drawing the smoke fully into my lungs but mainly into my mouth. I think because I was sucking like a straw my instinct as with liquids is not to breath it in.

    What I would do to help was breath it into my mouth as I had been and after I've drawn in all the smoke I'm going to, without releasing that breath, taking in one last breath of fresh air breathing in normally and drawing the smoke into my lungs. Later on as I got more experienced I started breathing it into my lungs more naturally but this helped me when I was starting out. After that I was outta there.

    Good luck to you.
  5. After you take a hit,Take a second Deeper breath to make should it's getting in there.

    works everytime,it helped me when i couldn't do it the first couple of times and it works with all the first time smokers i smoked out.

    Good Luck :smoke:
  6. So wait, this is what i do
    I blew out all my air, put the mouthpiece in my mouth, lit the weed, inhaled, took a breath through my mouth, tried to take a breath through my nose, held for as long as i could, exhaled.
    Is the carb where you put the weed? Because i didnt cover that once it was lit
    Idk, it was a normal pipe, only 2 holes, one for your mouth and one for your weed, and i just did what everyone else was doing
  7. Could be a build up to that strain. Pipe was clogged or over packed. Crappy weed. You initial mood while toking. Lots of stuff.
  8. I rule of thumb and tell all new smokers it might take around 5 times for you to get the feeling, and technique of how to hit the bowl/pipe/bong. My first time I hit a HUGE water bong (still biggest I've ever hitten and this was 6 years ago), and to be honest I didn't get high.

    Don't over think it, just get used to it, and relax you'll feel it sooner or later.
  9. Don't be afraid to ask your friends how to hit a bowl. You're new, you have alot more to learn.

    Find out where the carb is and no it's not the place the weed goes, that's the bowl. The carb is usually on the side and it's a hole about the size of the eraser at the end of the pencil. You put your finger over it, light the bowl, make sure that more than just a few little pieces of weed are burning, then inhale deeply, take your finger off the carb for a second and inhale, put your finger back on the carb and inhale some more. After you've taken that "second hit", take your finger off the carb and clear the smoke outta the piece.
  10. Well not all pipes have carbs, But most do. A carb is a small hole on the side of the pipe next to where you but the weed(the bowl) When you cover the carb and suck, air goes over the the weed(so if its burning you get smoke) but if you let go of the carb the air mainly comes in the hole from the carb, so you don't get much smoke, but its easy to clear out the chamber.

    Sounds like it did have a carb maybe if you werent getting much smoke. Most of the time they are hardly noticable, expessialy if you are watching people smoke you prob woudlnt even notice that they are covering a hole.

    that pipe has a fairly noticable carb.
  11. Thanks to everyone for helping, this seems like a really good forum/network
    It was a metal pipe, it wasn't a water pipe or a bong or anything, just a standard metal pipe, i dont think it had a carb, and i really appreciate all the help.
    Im good friends with some and see them regularly so next time i will just try again, and try to relax a bit more.
    Any tips on what to do?
    Im thinking have a toke, have an even bigger breathe of air, hold for as long as possible, exhale, repeat, eat food.
    Anything to add/more tips?
    I really appreciate the help guys
  12. Okay, I guess thats about it, thanks for all the help guys, i really appreciate it
    And I'll make another thread about how my next rage goes
  13. keep it all here man! were not gone yet! :p

    I strongly believe the reason A LOT of people say "oh i didnt get high the first few times" is because of their smoking technique.

    My first time was incredible.. and to this day has been the strongest weed experience ive ever had... It was only three small hits too! Dankest ive had for sure. (i didnt even know how to smoke, it just felt right, all they said was to cover the carb)

    One thing to keep in mind is the kind of pipe you're toking out of.

    Usually metal ones dont have a carb, and I dont think i have actually seen one with a carb either. Id recommend a nice glass spoon... very efficient, stylish, easier to maintain, and collecting resin/cleaning is much easier! The carb really helps.

    Heres what I do when I smoke now, and it works great!

    1. you dont have to exhale completely, just make sure theres plenty of room for a hit that you can control depending on harshness/heat etc.. (metal pipes sure do get hot, this may also be discouraging you from hitting it hard, youll have to take your time with these.)

    2. light your weed, preferably "cornering" the bowl so that you do not "torch" all of it at once. It should only take from anywhere 1-3 seconds. (once again, depening on the weed... you may or may not have to light it again inbetween hits) Dont forget to inhale during this process.. oh -- and dont start inhaling before you even get the lighter flicked, or even close to your bowl.. lol. I still catch myself doing that occasionally.

    3. If your pipe is burning your lips when you inhale, you're inhaling too fast... (this also depends on how big of a metal pipe it is) slow it down a bit.. theres absouletly no hurry.. or at least there shouldnt be. as you feel the smoke enter your lungs, you should definatley be able to feel it on the back of your throat...

    4. quit inhaling once you find where your pain/cough tolerance is. The idea is to get the biggest hit you can in one breath without coughing.

    5. once you have your desired hit.. let off the pipe and inhale as much fresh air as you can... you dont need to hold it in for very long... 5-10 seconds should be plenty. (now if you use a pipe with a carb, as soon as you feel you need to let off the pipe.. release your finger off the carb, take a quick half second inhale to clear out the remaining smoke in the pipe)

    6. pass it on, or if its all you... keep going!

    Sorry for being so long... soon you'll understand why. :p:smoking:

    I hope this helps you!

    Oh, and another cool thing is that.. after you smoke for awhile all the carbon built up in your bowl will act as a natural screen in a way... the hole that lets the smoke from the bowl to the stem will start to naturley close.. so always dry hit your pipe to make sure its satisfactory for you... cause once you pack your product.. it gets a bit harder to hit.. especially if that hole is clogged. You could just use a screen however.

    And then here I go again, writing insanley long paragraphs because Im sleep deprived, and strung out..
  14. There's your problem. You are inhaling the smoke into your mouth and letting it sit in there. That extra breath through your nose isn't doing anything because the smoke is still sitting in your mouth.

    -Put the mouthpiece on your mouth and hold the carb.
    -Light and inhale like you are just breathing in air(think of it like when you are out of breath after exercising and you are taking lots of air through your mouth straight to your lungs except in this case you want slow and deep breaths)
    -Pull the mouthpiece away, take a clean hit of air through your mouth so it all goes down your lungs, hold for 3-5 seconds, exhale.
  15. If you hold your hit in, the THC is absorbed within 5 seconds, any longer the smoke will start to disappear and if you hold it long enough you wont even blow out smoke. It's called a ghost hit.
  16. Sounds like you dont know what being high is really like.
  17. It depends on a couple of factors;

    Quality of your bud
    The size of the hit
    How good your joint is rolled.

    If you have bad herb you are bound to get less high obviously.
    I got some nice dank trainwreck right here and I just need a small joint to get in the "chill zone".
    If your joint is rolled too tight or too loose it might effect the smoke you get from each hit, in your case I think you rolled it too tight and you weren't gettig enough smoke out of it.
    You might wanna try and take the roach out when you feel you arent gettin any smoke from the joint.
    This sometimes does the trick.

    Ghosting your hits (holding your hits for a long time) doesn't really work and you should only hold your hit for about 3-5 seconds and that's plenty.
    Try getting your hands on some nice dank and try that.


    For a pipe it's mostly what quality your herb is and try and cover the extra hole on the pipe for maximum smoke inhalation.

    I hope I helped you out. :)
  18. Sorry about the late reply guys, but i hope you're glad to know i've been high as fuck 3 times already, first time it felt like i was floating, and second time i was really tired [but that coulda been cause it was 1am ish] and the last time everything slowed down when i was sketching out about getting busted, shit was so cash.
    I wasn't breathing it in long enough, but i sunk my first bong like a pro, and i have some weed, i might blaze up soon, thanks for all the help guys, i appreciate it.
    Keep blazin
  19. My friend Michael has this same problem, he's smoked like five times and never Got high. He can inhale properly cause he smokes black and milds.
  20. idk if anyone said it. but try to get your hands on some dankity dank ass fire chronic good shit. lol
    my first few times smoking. i smoked a half joint of regs. the person i was with got stoned. i didnt get nothing. smoked the rest of it. didnt get anything. then a few weeks later. somone had given my about a pinky nail sized chunk of some chronic. and that got me fucked up. lol. it kicked my ass.

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