Why are you....you?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by cheesin', Nov 29, 2009.

  1. Many times when I have been deep in thought, I have thought why am I me? To me it is a hard concept to grasp. Some how instead of being my sister or say one of my friends, I ended up being me and in control of my mind and body. Take a second to think how you ended up in your body seeing things through your eyes, and why you couldn't be in control of someone else's body seeing life through their eyes. How and why is it that you control your brain? The whole "spirit" thing could play a factor but I'm not so much into that. Thats the best I can explain it and it's something thats bugged me for awhile. Hope it makes sense.
  2. I ponder the same thing sometime, how crazy it is that everyone you see has the same kind of thing going on in their head, but you'll never know exactly what it's like to be someone else, to see the same exact thing standing side by side but the perception of it is different. It's friggin crazy. I believe in reincarnation, though we're not all reincarnate, souls can be created, and also once you've "passed the test" so to speak you don't have to reincarnate.
  3. I always wonder how other people think. If I had one day of absolute power... I'd hang out inside of other peoples' heads. And to think, we will never know.
  4. Yeah, it's pretty crazy stuff. In fact, why are you even human? Humans are just as much an animal than anything else. The way I see it; if I have been born once, seemingly from nothing and will eventually die, what is to stop me from being born again?
  5. Coincedence.

  6. This is my opinion. I think that when you weren't born you weren't really you. No one was who they are now when they were born. You had to go through a little life experience and societal and environmental moulding before the 'you' of now actually developed. Aside from inherent and predetermined genes, this is what makes you you.

    To put it in another sense, the machine came before the soul. That is, your body and brain came first, naked and blank as a sheet of white paper, and when you were forced to go through your given programming, meaning the type of place, and people you grew up with who influenced you, your hardwired genes will primarily determine how you interpret information and emotions and that's what makes you you.

    As for the other point, I've always pondered this too. How do we know how other people perceive things?

    I think imo that just by being who we are that we already know. I mean our brains all run the same programs except for genetic tendencies that we carry. But this is like a windows vista pc wondering how the other windows vista pc thinks and perceives.

    So in a way this all implies that we aren't who we really are or would like to be. We weren't created with knowledge and wisdom, we were once seeds before we grew into trees.

    That's all I have but its good to think of these things. Kudos for sparking good thoughts!

  7. You can't be born again. If you were, then the same two people would have to mate again to have you and you would have to grow up all over again in approximately under the same circumstances for you to become you again. If not then you really wouldn't be you and its someone new now right?

    The chances of that happening is nil as this implies time travel as well.

    I guess no two people will ever be alike
  8. i was thinking about this earlier. its just so strange that I am all i will ever know and you will be all you ever know. i will never know how it will be to be someone else..

    another thing thats crazy though is the odds of YOU being alive. if your dad rubbed one out before getting your mom pregnant you wouldnt be alive right now. shit, if your great great great grandpa rubbed one out before getting his wife pregnant you wouldnt be alive right now. and then multiply that by the millions and millions of sperms throught out history its fucking crazy.
  9. Yea these are all really good thoughts for sure...the truth will never be known until one's afterlife I suppose

  10. Which is all the more reason to live it up while you are here. You won't get another chance

  11. I have been thinking about this basically since I have been thinking

    I have yet to find an answer

    I do realize though or seemingly to an extent
    I am - > I
    me is - > wholeyness I am experiencing

    perhaps when 'I' and 'me' are joined or justified with each other then we are as character
  12. Yeah, but what I mean is that we are 'ourselves' becuase of consciousness which (as far as we know), resides in the cerebral cortex (may be the wrong one, can't be arsed to google).
    I am conscious becuase I have a brain that allows me to become conscious, therefore, why can't 'I' be conscious after I die, by being the consciousness of another being with a brain?
    Technically I am not being reborn, but the lifeform that is being born has the ability to become conscious, much like I did at some stage. (E.g. I wasn't fully conscious as a foetus, nor as a very young child). It is very likley that before 'I' was born, I could have been the consciousness of some other lifeform.
  13. Interesting.. that would raise some more tough questions, supposing if it were true to begin with. But interesting nonetheless.

    I would be more inclined to say your consciousness is a product of your brain, so your consciousness can't just travel into someone elses brain, where will their consciousness go?

    And suppose what your on to there is right? Who's moving these consciousnesses about?

  14. #14 blackdust420, Dec 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2009
    I like this question. My answer has changed over time. My beliefs are always changing b/c yesterdays TRUTH is today's bullshit. but to answer the question I AM YOU!! To answer the question in another perspective I would be my boundaries, ideas, emotional energy, and decisions. :smoking:

    edit.. i read the question wrong.. I thought the question was "who am I?"
  15. think about how much of you is a product of your Time and Place. i mean imagine who you would have been if you were born in a different plane and time period, culture etc.
  16. We would be completely different people had we been brought up differently in a different place. Think about that :smoke:
  17. I'm me because of the influence of every person I've ever met, every movie I've ever watched and every song I've ever heard. I'm everything I've ever done, seen, touched or tasted.

    I don't think there is a natural "you" or "me", we are all just the accumulation of all our experiences and how we react to those experiences
  18. To me the real question is how did I end up controlling this body? Instead of being my sister, neighbor, or friend, I control this body but why? Haha its crazy stuff we will not know in this life.
  19. "I am because my body allows me to be. Life is universal in that sense, our bodies have different capabilities that enable different functions, such as consciousness. I also battled if this meant my body was just host of the idea of me. But I don't really believe in dualism, and I came to the conclusion that yes, I am because my body allows me to be, but on the same token, I am my body, and my fate is intertwined with it. One day my body will no longer allow me to be, and thus, I won't."
  20. :hello::hello::hello:

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