Why are you DRY?

Discussion in 'General' started by GGrass, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. #1 GGrass, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    Why are you dry?

    Pick a reason why you don't have any weed from the poll.

    Multiple choices allowed.
  2. Because im black.
  3. this^....
    which poll? lol
  4. Because its all in my bowl, right in front of me. HAHAHAHA. :)
  5. I'm slippin' wet actually.
  6. How can I add another option to the poll?

    I forgot to add

    "Coz your boss is an asshole" option.
  7. I guess I quit. I couldn't start again if I wanted to... And I do
  8. Got more important things to spend money on... like a grow op. I'll have weed eventually, in fact I'll have more weed to smoke than ever before. :smoke:
  9. No scrilla at the moment. It's actually kind of convenient though, as it lets me get accustomed to my new life schedule.
  10. I aint got no money.
  11. I'm trying to see how long I can go without weed. Set a record.

    So far, it's been... too long.
  12. I'm a broke ass white guy.
  13. just how guilty are you feeling about doing what was necessary?
    i lost my job, and at the sane time my dealer started selling only the dankest dank, but also quadrupled his prices.
    so, no weed.
  14. Quite guilty. I've been carrying around it with me for... at least 5 years.

    But now that I talked about it, it feels much better.

    Vindicating that I did what I had to do. Makes me feel less of an asshole.
  15. No dealer. I think he's on the verge of quitting so I'm going to be shit out of luck. ;)

  16. I've quit smoking and am on Color Code. FML.
  17. Piss test and t-break.
  18. Laziness is my biggest enemy.
  19. Shit,I'm broke and my dealers are horrible in terms of comunication...Plus ima get some other unmentionable substance in a couple of days.For free yeeee

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