Why are there so many Gay people on TV?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Jane_Bellamont, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. Something I've been finding rather irritating, lately.

    I don't watch TV at all, I get 100% of my entertainment from YouTube and torrents, but today I was at my parent's house after work.. and I was exposed to mainstream media for about 2 hours.

    Honestly, literally every single show out there, especially American shows that feature rich people and their first world problems.. every one of these shows is almost guaranteed to include a gay man.

    It makes me wonder whether they're just doing it to look more tolerant and diverse, or whether they're just making fun of gays ... or a combination of both?

    Honestly, I never thought I'd say it .. but I fucking hate 'Gay Culture', if you know what I mean. This is part of the reason I don't go to gay bars to make out with women. My favourite bars actually tend to be very conservative.. ... and that's what makes it all the more exciting, because it's a challenge. :cool:

    When you go to gay bars, you're almost guaranteed to be surrounded by liberal dickbags who just wanna be friends with you because they think it's 'cute' to have gay friends. It's just toxic, really.. if anything, this is the reason people hate gays. 'We' don't need a separate culture or an identity. People are defined by their character, and by the value they bring to the community.
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  2. well spoken sir/ma'am. lol. no disrespect intended!
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  3. the easiest way to introduce tolerance is through comedy. make comedy gay and people will better accept gay people and gay rights.

    it's been like that for a very long time and not just gays, race too. watch the show good times, it's racist as fuck but people thought it was funny
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  4. I dunno, I figure they just want to sissify men in general.
    Implying that you're not comfortable with your masculinity/sexuality unless you fully condone the act of 2 guys going at it like it's natural.
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  5. It's part of the reason I quit Facebook, too. For some reason, when you first come out of the closet in high school, everybody suddenly wants to be your friend.

    Every time you post anything gay-related on your status, everybody likes it.

    But as soon as you even give people the slightest hint that you're not a special snowflake .. that you're just like everybody else, and actually have something different to talk about other than who you have sex with .. as soon as you start talking about your interests in homebrewing, or your interest in politics, or your interest in cars and motorcycles ... people want nothing to do with you lol

    Glad I cut off all the fake people out of my life, before it was too late, really. 95% of my friends were fake.. the few real friends that I do have are mostly gamers though, so we barely go out and socialize.

    Then I also have my stoner buddies, although they're both currently in prison, unfortunately.. one for drunk driving, one for assault. This is part of the reason I've been completely dry as of lately, I used to both grow and trade computer repairs for weed.

    That's my life, so far. To tell you the truth, I identify as a Nobody. An outsider out of all outsiders. The eternal unpopular high school kid. I like it that way. :cool:
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  6. I completely gave up bars 3 years ago because of phony people. When these many people who were just acquaintances started asking me why I don't go out anymore I couldn't be rude and say your all full of shit.
    But truth is I now have very few friends. But I made it that way.
    I would rather a hand full of true friends then a bus load of half ass acquaintances any day.
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  7. You've come such a long way Jane, just as I knew you would. See it all over the forum, an worldview less rooted in ideology. Not too long ago you were going crazy about Milo being a self-hater of gay culture, lookit this now!

    I disagree with you though, I think gay culture in TV and media has made it more accepted. Maybe you feel the pendulum has swung a little too far and that it's fake now, but I think that's better than what it was 20 years ago, and I think the pendulum will swing back to the middle with half a decade more or so as this newfound public pop-culture freedom for homosexuals stabilizes
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  8. I'm heterosexual. I've had a few gay friends. I've noticed how almost every show has some shape or form of a gay/lesbian relationship involved. I think A) because it's become more accepted but more importantly B) media outlets want to make sure they attract as many viewers as they can and alienating an entire culture of people is gonna reduce ratings/sponsors. It's all about money. Sure their gonna turn away hardcore haters...but I'm sure most mainstream media doesn't want to identify/connect with supremacy or hate groups. Just my 2c
  9. I'm heterosexual and therefore I don't care about gay people but I have noticed them appearing more and more in media like TV shows. Seems like whoever controls Hollywood intends to normalize homosexuality and make it a common feature of mainstream American life. If this is so, I really don't care. My sexuality is not at stake here so I have no dog in this gay rights/gay acceptance race.
  10. It gives the writers more material
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  11. If it's done well, you quickly forget or overlook "gayness" on the tube. I guess that's normalization.

    I'd rather have them on the tube than in the closet.
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  12. All of these left-wing, politicized cultural tangents are the result of cultural Marxism.
    And see here.

    How far will it go? Who knows. Someone above mentioned Milo. He is a great example of the younger generation's resistance to all the garbage. As are the "Meninist" t-shirts.

    I ran into an old buddy in a bar this summer. He had his son with him (was about 17) who had a "Meninist" t-shirt. I had never seen the word before, and HAD to ask him about it. It meant what I thought it meant. I told him "Great!" and to keep resisting. It is encouraging to see the younger generations' resistance to the left-wing cultural rot. I hope it can be stopped, but I probably won't see many results in the years I have left.

    I didn't think there was ANY resistance to it. How wrong I was.
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  13. Because being drastically over represented is all the rage in PC America 3.2.

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  14. I don't think it's always bad. I think it brings homosexuality into the norm as in previous decades gays were incredibly underrepresented in media. If anything it bugs the homophobes who can't escape from it any longer.

    What I don't appreciate with this influx of homosexuality on television is that even seemingly good networks (more often than not) just caricaturize gays. I don't know any actual figures, but a lot of these shows cast actors to play the token femme gay best friend, complete with over the top personalities. I have a lot of gay friends and I don't think any of them appreciate that television seems to present them in one personality for the most part.

    I say go for it. Bring more gays into television shows - life doesn't revolve around a cis-het experience. But for God's sake can we please get something other than the same peppy gay best friend - cause that doesn't do anyone justice.
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  15. Ding ding, cultural Marxism is the correct answer.

    Yup there's resistance, and it's labeled as part of the alt-right by the msm (and Hillary Clinton). I'm sure you're terribly shocked.
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  16. Bring on the representation of everyone. If seeing someone different than you on TV makes you that uncomfortable then just turn the TV off and get some fresh air. Or turn the channel to something that isn't gay. That's the beauty of there being thousands of television shows.
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  17. Wait. You are complaining about this? I cannot believe this. They are introducing this so children understand it a little bit better.
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  18. You identify yourself as a lesbian and you want it to be excluded geo regular life. I have also heard of a lesbian group that wanted to take the T out of LGBT because a man or woman wants to be the opposite sex. Please tell me you are not one of those people. I have alot of respect for you as a strong women but if you agree with that then I can not accept that.

    Let's Smoke About It..... -Adam Demamp

    My Fucking Grow Journal
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  19. Are we really going to ignore that "cultural marxism" stems from Nazi propaganda or has this site been taken over by the alt-right already?
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  20. #20 spliffington, Oct 29, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2016
    Yeah, the politics and related sections of this forum have taken a hard right. It's ironic because this is a safe space for them and any dissenting opinion is dogpiled on...yet many people of the altright make fun of people who ask for safe spaces, while maintaining this site as a safe space for them. It's such a weird reality of existence.
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