Why are so many stoners against alcohol?

Discussion in 'General' started by YoungDirk, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I'm not sure if it's just because weed is illegal and alcohol isn't, while weed is far less dangerous, or if most potheads are just lightweights when it comes to drinking. But it really seems like the majority of stoners are anti-alcohol, both on here and many I know in real life.
    Now I don't do any real drugs, but I'm a pretty heavy drinker, and I smoke a lot too. I mean, they both have their benefits, and can go great with one another. So why is it that most potheads don't drink?

  2. This is a stereotype. I love alcohol. If I had to choose one, obviously I would choose marijuana... but I love getting hammered. They're just on two different levels.
  3. I'm only against alcohol the day after.
  4. i enjoy drinking it sometimes. but it usually give me a stomach ache even when i haven't had that much to drink and am not drunk. it's not very pleasant.
  5. man i'm irish, i got to love alcohol. drinking is just more something i do to party, while smoking is something i do everyday. i don't want to be drunk doing boring things, i want to be drunk and have a good time

  6. Absolutely, man :D
  7. I started drinkin before I started smoking. I personally don't like being smashed. Im only 23 and Im already tired of getting drunk. Now I usually smoke before I drink. If im high, I tend to lessen the amount I drink. Wine on the other hand, no self control.

    Wine and weed are meant to be. Best combo I think
  8. That's why we wake n bake. ;)
    Then go right away and start drinking again. And repeat.

    I know it's a stereotype, but it's often true.
    Most of my best friends drink and smoke, but a lot of people I know fit the stereotype.
  9. Alcohol does worse things to your body.

    I think...
  10. Id rather quit smoking then drinking
  11. I love alcohol its coo Hennessey and gin with sum brews and blunt straiiight
  12. I love alcohol any time, anywhere, for any reason.
  13. I love my beer. :) I prefer Keystone Ice. about 2x a year, I'll buy an airline bottle of JD, but I'm not really a whiskey man.
  14. [​IMG]
  15. alcohol killed my grandpa. he was irish, drank a lot, became lazy, and died of liver cancer.
    weed saved my brothers life. before he smoked he was bipolar and behind in school. but he is now in greater spirits and also getting great grades.

    weed also helps with my anxiety disorders and tourettes.

    in my opinion, alcohol is ok for some people, but the benefits of weed are much greater. :smoke:
  16. Now that's what I'm talking about. I used to drink before class, before practice, before I'd go out anywhere... It makes things more fun.

    And there's nothing better than smoking a fat blunt while you're playing beer pong. Great times.
  17. well for me, after a forced 2 year tolerance break i tried drinking again but couldnt bring myself to do it. idk what happen but also my family has a history of liver problems so just to be safe i smoke weed only.
  18. Only before class?

    I've been known to mix a whiskey old fashioned to drink during lectures.
  19. My relatives become assholes because of alcohol, mainly my uncles, dad(during his younger years). Majority of alcohol tastes like shit. Does more damage to you than weed. Had to take care of people who were hungover and/or couldn't handle their alcohol. It's fine as long as people don't abuse it and become dicks and kill somebody(Drinking and Driving).

  20. Word. I like to drink before class, before reading, before doing dishes, before laundry, before sex, before taking a shit, before....you get the idea :D

    If alcohol wasn't addictive poison it would be one of the greatest things on this earth.

    And beer pong kicks ass. :)

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