my sister and mom for example. whenever they talk to foriegn people they use fake ass accents and try to act nice and all this bullshit. it drives me insane my sister's entire self esteem is based on how she looks. If shes having a bad hair day or whatever bullshit she get all pissy and bullshit and starts talking about how depressed she is. but then she goes and looks at some pretty pictures of herself and smiles. that all i ever see her do on her facebook, look at her own pictures and admire herself.
try living in indiana. everyone here is so fake....people always hang out with people so they can benefit somehow. this dude i used to chill with has been with his girl for 7 or 8 yrs so he ONLY cares about him n her, no one else. he thinks he is the shit and he thinks his lil associate's degree in marketing is going to get him far when in actuality, he goes up against someone with a b.s., he is fucked cuz his school doesn't give him the learning tools like a university would. I quit the school cuz i wanted more so i am moving to boulder and hopefully meet people who actually want to be friends with me, not what u can make off my by selling me weed. FAKE PEOPLE CAN SUCK A COCK!!!
this. the only thing you can do is be true to yourself and positively influence those around you any way you can
People are just so self consious these days and it's so fucking annoying how ridiculously fake some people are though. Especially in high school, thats where most people are fake.
The media compounded with low self esteem and insecurity. People care too much about what people think. even if they are never gonna see them again. when you are around people who are like that its fun to make awkward comments and watch how they react. y'all should give it a try
lol i didnt get that comment lol but, im just saying they forgot how to be real.. People grow up being hypnotized by the media into being something they arent, something they wanna be sooo.. they forget how to be real
It actually has more to do with evolution and social interacting than anything. People understand that survival is primitively based on ones social skills. If you can manipulate, control and use people, it significantly increases your chances of surviving. I know that it doesn't seem like it could be applied in today's world, however mankinds brains have evolved from very primitive beginnings. The reason we are able to interact with other humans is due to millions of years of adaptation and changes in brain function. Now, if you're asking why people choose to act on these instincts and mental cues to lie, be fake and manipulate people, the answer is pretty simple: it's easy. Once you know what to say and how to say it, getting what you want becomes easier, because it's a learned skill. If you're the popular one in the group, you gain dominance, attention and power. eg: loud mouth football jock who is a complete douche bag. He typically has the perfect traits: in shape, confidant, superficial and stupid. Many of these latter traits branch off from the former. However, you can change your ways once you know your own faults, and come to some worldly realization about your life. But, for the people in your life who act fake and shit, well they'll never be changed until they want to change, or lose their looks LOL.
Agreed, completely. It's pretty disappointing. Most people are brought up to be a certain way and never really learn to think for themselves. It's kind of like television is shaping mass waves of society.
i'll tell you all why people are fake it's because most peoples largest concern in life is being accepted by other people. that's the only rational explanation i've ever been able to accept in my mind