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Why are male buds considered bad?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Greg Green, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. This kid in my calc class said that he grew in his closet but didn't clip off the male buds so he had a 6 foot male plant just chillin there.

    Why cant he just smoke whats on the male plant or sell some buds on it?

    I though females were only if you were gonna grow more weed? so whats so bad about just having a male plant if you dont wanna grow anymore?
  2. 6 foot bud plant in a closet? IMO that sounds like a lie, yes they bud up but they take longer than the female and it's not very much. more seedy
  3. Male plants don't produce enough thc to get high from.

    Also if you have them growing with your female plants they will polenate and your bud will be seedy.

    Male plants are only used for industrial uses. (or growing if your breeding)
  4. i dont think males produce bud. they produce pollen

    females produce the bud.

    i could be wrong, but i doubt it.
  5. 2 years ago, my friend and I grew for the first time. It was a spindly little plant that turned
    out to be male. We tried smoking it and didn't feel anything. Even cured it for 2 weeks in
    a couple little cups that once contained sauce from a Mexican restaurant. Your friend could
    sell it to noobs maybe. They weren't buds, they were seed casings.
    I can still remember the taste, it wasn't very good.
  6. Wow. Female Cannabis plants are the ones that get you high. The male plants do not have buds. And they do not contain a significant ammount of THC. Smoke the females. Breed with the males. Dur. :wave:

  7. Are you fucking serious? MALE PLANTS DO NOT PRODUCE THC or any other CANNABINOID.

    Jesus is it that hard to do the slightest bit of research.
  8. The reason male buds are bad, is because they don't exist.

  9. qft..

  10. You sir are wrong.. Males are the ones that don't produce budskies. Thats why after the plants are sexed, you chop the males.
  11. you can use it to stretch marijuana.
  12. Males= Pollen Sacks
  13. you're obviously high, thats exactly what i was quoting for truth, that the male buds are bad, because they dont exist.
  14. All this new forum speak. I thought qft meant quit fucking trying. Sorry, brosif! (And no, I wasn't high. I've been on a t-break for about 5 weeks)

  15. Why? Depending on the strain it's not difficult to get a 6' plant under the circumstances. Though chances are it's tall and sparse due to a lack of
  16. Female marijuana plant.


    Male marijuana plant.

    Case closed.
  17. I think just the whole idea that a 6 foot plant was in the closet it was he was calling into question... cuz yea, 6 footers are not 4 leaf clovers...

  18. ah I had 2 females around 5' in my closet, mind you it was a big one under good lighting conditions. I could have reached 6' but it was more optimal to change the light cycle and start budding.
  19. He could use that male to make a small amount of hash, or butter, but as it is now it's just as useless for smoking (even his flowers), as smoking the leaves of a vegging female would be.

    Males do bloom, and they will produce flowers, but those are the flowers that pollinate your females and give them seeds, male flowers and leaves contain only very trace amounts of the elements that get us 'high'.

    If your friend has any females present, his bud-to-seed ratio is going to be horrible if that big boy has been dropping pollen.

    A 6' male is pretty average and very easy to attain quickly in a closet, and the less you favor them light-wise (the further away from the light you place them) the more they stretch and grow 'seeking out' a light source.
    They also tend to stretch and grow very quick, because they don't intend on holding any great amount of weight by the end of their life cycle.

    Their only purpose in life, evolution-wise, is to produce enough pollen to give the surrounding females seeds, and there are hundreds of thousands of pollen 'granules' in each individual flower pod he produces, each speck with the ability to cause an entire seed on its.

    Someone mentioned before that males don't have THC at all. This is not true. They have just around the equivalent that you'd find in the leaf from a vegging female, like I mentioned earlier it's not useful for smoking on it's own, but it is useful enough in great quantities for processing a small amount of extract.
  20. no need to be so mean...this is the apprentice section...this is where people learn...

    not everyone is as awesome or intelligent as you. btw, male plants do produce thc.

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