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Why another DT passing thread.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BurtonSnow, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. First off the story is my mom knows I smoke, and really doesn't approve of it, but realizes I'm 18 and don't live with and do as I please. However, being in college = being broke. They pay the insurance on my bike for me which is only 254$ a year. I ride it in the winter since I don't bring a car up on campus, and the next payment to renew the insurance is feb 12. She told me she isn't paying shit unless I pass a DT for her.

    First off this really pisses me off because my mom admits to smoking all through college. I don't know what the hell shes trying to prove because she knows damn well even if I do stay clean, i'll just do it right after the DT.

    I have a few options here.
    1) Stop smoking
    2) Use a friends piss
    3) just pay the damn insurance myself
    4) niacin

    I'm leaning towards options 2 and 4, and a little bit of option 1. I smoke everyday, not much just usually a bong rip or 2. I still have the same 1/8th I bought 4 weeks ago.

    So I figure that I am only going to smoke on the weekend if even that, and a week before the test start taking niacin and cranberry extract pills. And the day before the test I'll DT myself to see if I pass or not. If I don't I'll get my friends piss, but my only concern is how the hell am I going to warm it up. Shes to dumb to check the actual temp, just as long as it feels warm.

    I also have like 3-4% body fat, and I lift like 5 times a week, and naturally have a crazy fast metabolism. What you all think about this idea?

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