why and when did you first start smoking weed?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by highest0869, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. Ill start it off i guess

    the first time i tried it was in seventh grade. All of my friends would do it and shit and one day i asked them if i threw down ccould i come smoke and they said yah and the rest is history.

    (Just so no one freaks out IT WASNT PEER PRESSURE they would ask me if i wanted to once in awhile but they never tried to get me to do it, eventually i just wanted to try it)
  2. Try the search function. There are threads like this everywhere , pretty recent ones too
  3. I wanted to experiment.
  4. I was in 8th grade and my friend asked if i wanted to smoke and i was like why the fuck not and proceeded to get smoked out and hit it out of an apple. ive been in love ever since
  5. Middle of 10th grade. Before then I used to be so anti-drug. But then I started doing research and realized I was being lied to my entire life.

    So I got a dub from a friend and got blazed. Needless to say I never looked back.
  6. Was kinda bored with life and all my friends were druggies so i went up and lit up a bong with my mate. Dude i kept fucking up hitting the bong and then finally I got mad and hit REALLY hard and had no idea what i was doing and i coughed for like an hour and was baked as fuck
  7. I like the smell of it, thought I tried it didn't get high at first until the second time got retarded stoned.
  8. First time I believe was when I was 17. I think stoner movies had an influence on me wanting to try weed lol.
  9. I was 17. Already pretty heavy into drinking. Got really drunk one day with a close friend and out of nowhere they were like "I picked up weed from this guy, wanna try some?" smoked for a year straight after that lol. stopped, then here i am again.
  10. wen i was 20 and started college
  11. 15 years old, I get along with everyone so it was only a matter of time before someone asked me to smoke, my biggest influence was probably music and the first Harold and Kumar coming out.
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  12. I smoked several times in middle school but never got high. (Obviously I had no idea what I was doing and neither did my friends. Or it wasn't even weed.) Well, later on in like junior year of H.S. the guy I was dating started doing it so I tried with him and his friends. I got way stoned and absolutely loved it. The second time was not a great experience (all I remember from that night was thinking I was stuck on top of a hill because I couldn't walk down and walking around crying in a krispy kreme parking lot barefoot.) But I never gave up.

    And here I am now, a true head. Smoking the good stuff on the regular. :)
  13. When I was a youngen...Days I can't really remember, for a variety of reasons.

    Because the government told me not to.:cool:
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  14. The first time I tried weed was when I was 16. I was over at a friends house with two friends from high school and when they found out I had never tried weed before they pulled out a 4ft zong and smoked me out.
  15. I was like 12 or 13 in like 7th grade.
  16. Did anyone smoke cigarettes or cigarellos or anything like that before they first tried weed? I did thats the only reason i knew how to inhale lol but im surprised i thought a lot of people would have said the same
  17. [quote name='"highest0869"']Did anyone smoke cigarettes or cigarellos or anything like that before they first tried weed? I did thats the only reason i knew how to inhale lol but im surprised i thought a lot of people would have said the same[/quote]

    I smoked weed at least a month before ever smoking a cig.
    It took me a little while to understand inhaling

  18. O dam squares, cigarellos (prob not spelling that right) and swishers are what got me into weed haha
  19. Sophomore year in hs just wanted to experiment
  20. 8th grade just to try something new

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