Why am I having so much trouble germinating a seed?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Sublime, Oct 11, 2016.

  1. I've blown through 5 cannabis seeds now and every single one of them has failed germination. I've left them for 2 - 3 days and the shell hasn't even cracked or shown signs of even developing a taproot. I personally used tap water for these seeds and germinated them by the paper towel method in a ziplock baggie (but i left the baggie unzipped for oxygen to come in).

    The first 5 seeds I used tap water on and later found out that tap water isn't ideal for germination. I only have 2 seeds left, and I decided to do a different method and see if it was the tap water. I have a glass of distilled water that I submerged my seed in fully underwater. Do you think that this was the problem that killed my 5 seeds? I really only have 1 more seed after this, so I can't blow this last seed off if this doesn't work. Though I'm fully expecting this go around to do the trick... Let's hope for the best. I hope I see something tomorrow.
  2. Ummm, how do you know that the seeds are dead? Have they rotted or something? Are you germinating them indoors? If you are, then just be patient. Germinating seeds indoors may take longer than germinating outdoors due to conditions. If the seeds aren't rotted, then just be patient. Especially if the seeds are old, it will take a noticeably long time to germinate. Best of luck!

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  3. The only explanation for a seed not germinating is a dead seed.

    Edit: unless you just really haven't waited enough

    How can you tell me this plant is not good for me?
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  4. I did the paper towel method and got 9 out of 10 to germinate, all bag seed. After research of course its best to ring out the paper towels after soaking with water, leave the zip lock bag closed and put it in a warm place, room temp. is okay but it supposed to be dark. I put mine in the closet, in a shoe box. It took 3 days.
    Its my first time and that worked so i dont know much about submerging in water method.
  5. Well I haven't thrown them away, and they've all been sitting on the paper towel germinating, the first two I put in like 4 - 5 days ago and those still haven't shown a single sign of cracks or taproot at all still and if anything I've kept the paper towel pretty damn moist.

    I read it can take longer but I also read tap water can be unhealthy for your seed.... So that's why I'm thinking they were killed.
  6. How warm is the area the bags are in and are they in the dark?
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  7. #7 Sublime, Oct 11, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
    The first 3 were bag seed. Didn't care for those really. But the other 3 I've used are seeds I've purchased so I'm kinda still hoping something will happen, but I'm not counting on it at this point.

    I've kept mine in the warmest place, in my closet, which is very dark. It's currently 72 degrees Fahreinheit in there and probably averages around that temp all day. I didn't close the zip lock baggy to allow air. And I did ring out the paper towels when it begins to get dry I mist them with more water inside the zip lock baggy, spraying right on the seed.

    I thought germinating was supposed to be the easy part!
  8. Damn you guys make it hard on yourselves. I just put some water in a cup, throw the seeds in, and put it back in the cupboard, and wait 24hrs. Works every time.
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  9. That's the method I'm goin for this time around. Do you think it'd be okay if I soaked it over 24 hours, for example, 30 hours instead? I read somewhere that if I submerge it too long in water that it'll drown.
  10. I prefer the cup of water method. I've planted seeds that have sunk and they have germinated later on. I've kept them in water for several days. You have to change the water if you do it that long though.

    If that is happening and days are going by with no seeds popping, then it's the temps. If my room temp is 70F then my water temp is a little lower than that so in winter I have put the bowl of water on a seed warming mat then stuck the thermometer probe into the water with only the silver part submerged. Keeps the water warm. You have to be attentive though that way. Mainly temps, temps, temps.

    So I think if it was warmer then you'll get faster germination. The paper towel drying out can also have something to do with it. That's why I have always had a much better success rate using a bowl of water over towels.
  11. Nah 30 is fine. I've read 48 is the max. I've gotten lazy and haven't gotten to them after 24hrs before.. all they seem to do is have a longer taproot. On this batch of 11 seeds I just germed... well like 3 days ago. 2 of the 11 didn't pop open up in the cup of water. But after I planted all of them those two runty ones popped.
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  12. I also kept the paper towel very moist and misted it before it got dry. I'll use my heater if I have to, but it's an electricity hog so if I don't have to I won't.
  13. if you need some warmth put it above or on the top your fridge near the back. the back of your fridge will be a bit warm. put in a black bag or whatever else to block the light

    when i was germing those seeds i mentioned i think the house was around 65F. you need need it super warm. like now theyre growing in the basment. i have the heat on at 70 now but its still a little cooler down there
  14. Jesus man, you're way over complicating it, just put it in the dirt. Unless your growing hydro. When people get germination problems its always one of two things, the medium is too wet or its too cold. Seeds only require a tiny amount of moisture but needs a lot of oxygen. Heat speeds things up so they germinate before they can rot. Aim for 28°C and you should have a plant in 24 hours

    There's your problem, 72°F is too cold, put the seeds in your set up and get the lights on. Slow the exhaust fan if you need to but get it up to about 82°F (28°C) and you shouldn't have any problems.

    If you're growing in soil then just start them in soil. Have the soil lightly damp and place the seed very shallow, just a few mm deep is fine. Then place a piece of plastic over the top of the soil, this will keep it damp underneath. Check under after 24 hours. Don't soak the seeds, this accomplishes nothing and risks drowning the seeds. They only need a tiny amount of moisture
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  15. I just put them in wet dirt and set it on my heat mat 95% germination.

    The last ones took 3 days
  16. Soak seeds in water 24 hours.
    Place seeds in a solo cup with soil.
    Wet soil and make sure there are holes on bottom of the cup
    Place seeds in soil and cover cup with saran wrap.
    Place cups under lights and let it be.
    Should have a sprout in 2 /3 days
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  17. In a cup of water the seed lives about three days before it drowns. I've only had one seed not pop in a cup of tap water with a splash of h202. Keep the light out and keep it warm, i put mine on top of my air cooled hood with the light running. They come up in one to two days normally, i've had one seed make it three days and need to be moved to the paper towel but most come up in a day. It's probably bad seeds or some environmental factor screwing up the germination. Seems to me a good seed sprouts and it doesn't really matter too much what method you use. I like the cup because putting it straight into the soil feels like a longer waiting game and i'm impatient.
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  18. Okay so I'm using compost soil and growing an auto. Do I need seed starter mix soil or can I just plant it in my compost soil straight away? I heard autos grow best when planted in their growing medium. The less transplants the better.
  19. Yep just a shity vendor. Same thing happenswith gourmet mushroom spore syringes.
  20. Compost? I'm gonna go with with no. And the reason im gonna cite is nutrients in the compost.
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