Why all the caring?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by TripRollnToke, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Seriously. Why do people give such a gigantic fuck about the meaning of life or anything for that matter?
    Why do you give a fuck? Do you want to make the world a better place? Why do you care about the world?
    Do you want to struggle because it gives you a false sense of self worth, like what you're doing actually matters?

    Why do you care?
  2. The earth struggles every day to keep the sun from destroying us.

    Perhaps we owe it to the planet to share internal struggle.
  3. Why don't you care? Our world, broken as it lies, is NOT in condition it was meant. The planet is divided, corrupt, blind, and lacks the type of love and caring that it needs. Are you completely satisfied with life and humanity to the point where you believe that nothing else need be unlocked? You don't believe that the world was meant to demonstrate a higher standard than we show every day? I am not flaming you, rather urging you to open your eyes to the millions of lies you conform to every single day. Although you may not make a gigantic difference in YOUR life, what is to say that you will not be the change in somebody that allows THEM to make one?
  4. Because you spend your whole life living, so I kind of would like what its all about. If you want to ignore all of it and that makes you happy then thats your problem. Ignorance is Bliss, but some things just can't be ignored.
  5. When you do not care, you are forever tossed about the seas of Samsara. When you say to yourself, 'Enough of this bullshit' and start to care about yourself, you realize that happiness is a choice and that you can put an end to your suffering.

    When you realize peace of mind is possible, you also realize that it is possible for others and your sense of compassion leads you to care for their well-being aswell as yours. Afterall, we are in this together.

    First, build your Buddha island... but then invite others in, for "the workers are few." :)
  6. We're programmed to care. Just like computers or animals or plants or the Earth and the way it is. Everything is just how it is. Everything that lives on the Earth is the way it is because of the conditions of the Earth and the Earth is how it is because of the conditions of the solar system and the solar system probably is influenced by the conditions of the galaxy somehow and certainly the galaxy exists the way it does because of the conditions of this section of the universe and how it formed and everything in the universe is influenced by exactly how the universe started and the laws that govern everything. Everything is programmed to be exactly how it is, otherwise it wouldn't be that way.

    I think our universe is like one roll of an infinitely sided set of dice. Your life, my life, the Earths life, the universes life is one example of infinite possibilities. Everything is perfectly unique, has a reason for being here, and must be here if it is here. If you didn't need to be here, you wouldn't be here.

    But ummm... Let's see, I'm high. I think that we might as well love what we have because it's all we have right now, without what we have right now there is nothing. No light, no love, nothing. That's why we care. This is all we have; life and the world around us.
  7. Has it occurred to you that everything is exactly as it is "meant" to be? You've developed a cognitive mind and suddenly you feel a need to impose your order on the chaos. You have no special knowledge of what the universe meant to do with itself.
  8. #8 pizzdog, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    Why do you care about what we think, leave us be? Some of us do want to make the world a better place because it's fucked up seeing people too poor to afford food and healthcare. To see starving people all across the world when we have the ability to make this world perfect. Because we're not insensitive robots who only strive for profit. Thats why I care because I want to care I want to have feelings and sympathy. We can either let it go to hell and make the newer gen's suffer or we can live making the world a better place or die trying. So tell me why do you care? you obviously care about our opinions enough to let it bother you.
  9. Not really, I'm just curious as to why you care. And I far from do things just for profit, in fact that's pretty much the least of my cares.
  10. You're forever tossed about on the seas of SillNilly. Who said I'm suffering? I care about myself through not giving a fuck, so I just wondered why anyone gives such a ginormous fuck. You're all up on spreading this buddha shit but you don't even really understand it. You found some sort of happiness and think, if everyone does it the same as me they'll get the same joy I did! Newsflash, that's not how it works, we all got the choice of making happiness whatever we want it to be. Maybe you should stop trying to be so buddha and just be bra.
  11. Hmmmmmm I have no idea honestly. Why the hell do I care?

    Probably brainwashed :confused_2:

  12. That kind of got me pissed look at the hypocrisy "bra" you said "Maybe you should stop trying to be so buddha and just be bra". Seriously people will believe what they want to. So leave them be and don't read their posts. If you truly don't give a fuck you wouldn't make a thread about this. STOP GIVING A FUCK ABOUT US GIVING A FUCK!
  13. You sound mad, you should smoke a blunt and eat some cookies. I'm just having fun with peoples, Y U SO SRS?!?!
  14. Would you prefer a world where no one gives a fuck about each other. Where there is a dying children on the street and no one gives a fuck. Its called being mature and caring and having responsibility. Being a good person why? Just for the hell of it. I'm sure If you were stuck in a horrible situation or were dying you'd certainly want some one to give a fuck about you. So if your happy with living a life where no one gives a fuck about you if your dead or alive then go for it. But some of us want a life where we can help each other and make the world peaceful and perfect for the hell of it. But hey you don't give a fuck. The only fuck you give is about yourself and the fact that there are people that care for each other and give a fuck.
  15. There's a lot of fucking in your post, there should be more fucking in reality.

  16. Well I am mad. But I'm starting to not give a fuck what you think. And besides your posts sound like your mad at the fact that people care.
  17. [​IMG]

    Don't be so serious bro, if you're gonna get mad at some jackass on the internet then you're really gonna have some problems with self control in real life. Learn to laugh.

  18. Learn to care.

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