Why alchohol sucks

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Bud420, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Well last night I drank some of my aunts vodka. I must have gotten so drunk I blacked out and threw up a couple times through out her house. and I can't fucking remember doing anything. I swear I will never drink again. I am gonna stick with weed
  2. heard that one before
  3. That can happen when you over indulge. Maybe you should try drinking more responsibly, and by the way clean up your upchuck.
  4. Did you wake up with a killer hang over? That would be worse, no?
  5. I got pretty hammered last night aswell.. I dont even have that bad of a hangover right now cause I paced myself man.

    Best hangover cure=smoke some weed, I kid you not it'll make you feel ten times better.
  6. I love a good beer now and then, yet I have epilepsy and alcohol is a trigger for a seizure. So I can really only have one drink without too much risk.

    Smoking indica strains helps fight every single side effect I get for my Anti seizure meds as well as the pot lowering the electric levels in my brain which also prevents seizures.

    I'll take being stoned to being drunk every-time.:smoking:

    edit; A bong hit does cure a hangover... almost instantly too. It's pretty awesome.
  7. fuck alchohol, well spirits anyway. stick wid da reeeferr
  8. If I had a choice 10 beers or 10 blunts for the night I would choose 10 blunts 6 outta 7 nights of the week. I hate wakin up with shit to do that day and Having a killer hangover.
  9. just gotta know your limits with alcohol. when i smoke too much weed its just like me freaking out but at least theres no physical repercussions
  10. Oh yeah and weed and lots of water sounds like the perfect cure for a hangover....oh and some fast food!
  11. honestly bro, alcohol sucks because it turns people into fuckin dolts. i drink, but and ive thrown up from it obviously, but ive never been that person at a pparty that is just SO drunk. this jam last night had like 15 drunk bitches, that were just so drunk it pissed me off, yeah im all for having a good time but i mean come on. im wearing a hat, with a pom on top, and this girl keeps gribing it flinging it around and shit, im just thinking "if my little pom breaks off your dead :p", and its not just the girls. there were two dudes at the party that had a 60 of vodka, and when i first walked in he was like "im drinking this WHOLE BOTTLE" guess who started trying to rob/fight people? drunks are a buzz kill, its all about chillin.
  12. No, but I woke up and didn't remember doing any of it. I guess I knocked a whole bunch of stuff over going upstairs. I will never drink again just because it scared me how I didn't remember anything. The keyboard and shit was all on the floor. all I remember is waking up in bed not remembering how I even got there.
  13. damn your a lightweight
  14. Drinking alcohol in excess sucks. Especially when you're buzzin and you have to baby sit your beligerant friends.

    Now a six pack of a nice IPA is a different story :D
  15. Fuck alcohol is good, weed is better, both together sing in harmony and help me great. Weed without alcohol is good, alcohol without weed = TERRIBLE.
  16. Yea you probably drank more than some
  17. That's why you pace yourself, especially with liquor. Don't blame the alcohol, blame yourself for not being more responsible. Next time drink a couple glasses of water when you're done drinking.
  18. So basically you abused a substance now you're blaming the substance
  19. Well I am used to weed where I can smoke as much as I want and not black the fuck out. I mean god damn I can't remember anything. I had like 2 1/2 cups of it mixed with orange juice.
  20. I love how every anti-alcohol thread includes a small aside about how the person drank way more than they could handle and made an ass out of themselves

    But that doesn't have anything to do with their opinion

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